Quoting Brian Baquiran ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hmm. Not too long a go, we were getting a lot of spam 
> with "From: <>" and "Are you ready to GRADUATE" in the subject.
> We ended up denying all incoming SMTP from 4.48.43.* .

Yes, well, in my experience the cons of blocking null senders far
outweigh the pros.  The vast majority of spam is sent with forged
addresses, or take-your-pick blasted free email provider addresses.
I've been trying to convice once particular NT ISP here in Oregon of
this fact for nearly three years.  

How they can allow their users to send lots of mail--to such places as
AOL, any network for that matter that has external mail gateways that
forward to internal hosts--and when it bounces NOT know about it is
beyond me.  I think it must just be ignorance of how SMTP works.


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