
I am not sure if this is merely a discussion or a help list, If it's the 
former forgive the intrusion.

I have been running q-mail-1.03 for abotu a month now on our RedHat6 box. The 
users connect through various MUA's from their M$Windows machines. All this 
has performed excellently with no problems until now.

Recently we have been looking at StarOffice5.1 and I am experiencing trouble 
sending mail to remote addresses. I have setup an outbox in StarOffice (on 
Win98 PC) and can send mail to local addresses no problem, including any 
domain listed in the locals file. But if I try to send to one not it locals 
then q-mail returns a 553 error ( "Sorry   that domain isn't listed in my 
allowed rcphosts list(#5.7.1)" ) .

This happens if I use StarOffice on a client Windows PC or logged in as a user 
on the server, local mail is accepted , remote is rejected. Every other MUA I 
have used (Windows or Linux) has it's mail accepted no problem.

I appreciate this is really pointing to a MUA problem but is there any known 
problems like this regarding StarOffice/q-mail and can I do anything to solve 



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