I take it back...

I've killed radius on this machine and watched it's load jump from 1 to
25.  tcprules seems to be running numerous times.

Should tcprules be running more than once?  Should it be running multiple
instances of mysqld?  At the moment there are only two of these:

891 ?        SN     0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/
893 ?        R      0:20 /usr/local/bin/tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.sm
898 ?        SN     0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/
899 ?        R      0:01 /usr/local/bin/tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.sm

However, at times it will run between 15 and 75 of these.  I must have
configured something wrong...


On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Jeff Garvas wrote:

> I'm having a problem with my qmail machine.  I'm hosting less than 10
> virtual domains and using the web tools to let individual people
> administrate their domains.
> I'm using the SQL based authentication.
> This machine also acts as a radius authentication server with sql based
> authentication.  
> It seems when I start icradius tcprules never properly exits, leaving
> behind hundreds upon hundreds of stale "tcprules" processes.
> The system load average shoots well above 40 and the system becomes dog
> slow.
> Does anyone have any idea where the problem exists?
> -Jeff

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