NERvOus wrote:
> Dear qmail gurus,
> I have a pop3 server which has got 2 ip addresses and is connected
> through 2 carriers.

> Is there a way to let them choose a unique hostname and automagically have them
> to use when they connect through isp "X" and
> when they use some other isp?

allocate a hostname with both addresses as A records.

If their pop3 client isn't doing some checking to select the best
of the alternatives (I'm not aware of any that do, but it wouldn't
be hard to add to an open source one) then they're stuck connecting
to the one listed first.

I don't know if djdns can be configured to give out A records in
a different order depending on the source of the query, if it _can_
and your users are using their ISP-provided DNS servers (they probably
are) then you can do it.

But altogether this is a DNS issue and belongs on the djdns list which
surely exists.

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