I've succesfully installaed qmail on a 486dx2 66 named tulip into 
my local network (its domain name equal to DOMINIO).
That means that when I write an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], all 
works correctly and the email reaches the right pop account.
I've read many documentation both in English than in Italian language
but really I've not realized yet deeply the  philosophy stands behind 
Qmail: my goal is to (in some way) link internal mail with that of my 
ISP (based on a registered domain). Using fetchmail an 
procmail to receive and configuring qmail with serial mail to throw out
my outgoing mail. 
My questions are: how can I achieve this goal? and what virtualdomain
means and how can be used?

Hoping that someone can help me,
Thank You, 
Angelo Gelmi

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