Quoted from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I changed both MAIL_DIR and QMAIL_DIR to Maildir and still nothing.
> What do you mean by saying "upgrade login program"? Upgrade it to what?
> And how am I to know what login program I have now?

I presume you're dealing with some sort of Linux distribution here.
A Linux distribution is built up of many separate components, so that
each component is developed on its own. So, it doesn't surprise me that
there may be newer versions of the login program around.

The login program is in a package called ``shadow'', unless you use
Debian, in which case I think it's called ``login''.

Which distribution (e.g., Debian, Red Hat, SuSE, &c) do you use?

> What is qbiff? 

See qbiff(1). In short, it's a program you invoke in a .qmail file to
notify you whenever you get a new message.

        ---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ but what's a dropped message between friends? 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ this is UDP, not TCP after all ;) ---John H. 
http://cloud9.hedgee.com/ |_ Robinson, IV  

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