Thanks to:

Alexander Pennace
Petr Novotny

They both stated:

> if [ $RESPONSE = $STRING ];

Make this "$RESPONSE" = "$STRING" and try again.

And Alexander noted:

Also note that if fastforward is sending the error on standard error it
might not be caught.

So my final .qmail-default contents are: (ALL ON ONE LINE)

| RESPONSE=`/var/qmail/bin/fastforward -nd /etc/aliases.cdb 2>&1`;
STRING='Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)';
if [ "$RESPONSE" = "$STRING" ];
then /var/qmail/bin/forward "$EXT"~"$HOST";
else /var/qmail/bin/fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb; fi

I tested it and it works great!

Thanks for all your help

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Lorenc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:13 PM
To: qmail
Subject: .qmail-default contents incorrect


I have the following in my /var/qmail/etc/.qmail-default file:
(all on one line)

| RESPONSE=`/var/qmail/bin/fastforward -nd /etc/aliases.cdb`;
STRING='Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)';
then /var/qmail/bin/forward "$EXT"~"$HOST";
else /var/qmail/bin/fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb; fi

I am getting the following error message in /var/log/syslog

Aug 30 10:38:44 qmail: [ID 748625]
967657124.271047 starting delivery 1: msg 972173 to local
Aug 30 10:38:44 qmail: [ID 748625]
967657124.273059 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Aug 30 10:38:44 qmail: [ID 748625]
967657124.328453 delivery 1: deferral:

Now I have an /etc/aliases.cdb file which does not contain the email
and I want to check if it will be able to be passed through to a default
forward line.

The reason for this is that it seems that using fastforward with
/etc/aliases.cdb and virtualdomains are kind
of mutually exclusive. The virtualdomains file gets processed before any
check of the /etc/aliases.cdb file is
performed thus bypassing fastforward. And if there are several (100's) of
emails which don't stay local, then
I have hundreds of .qmail files for the exceptions.... seems to me that
would be very inefficient.

Here is an example of my environment:

I have some very fast front-end smtp (qmail) systems that receive mail to be
either forwarded to an external
email address or forwarded to an internal email database. So....

Say I have a virtual domain: and most mail gets delivered
internally and forwarded to the mail database
system in the format of username~[EMAIL PROTECTED] and some
other emails get forwarded via an aliases file to an external email address.
Would the above .qmail-default file work if correctly formatted.


-- Specializing in computer and network consulting...

Timothy Lorenc          USmail:  Lorenc Advantage, Inc.
Consultant/President             6732 E. State Blvd.
                                 PMB 304
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Fort Wayne, IN  46815-7762

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