net admin wrote:
> Hi;
> I am trying to setup selective relaying for a client who wants to send
> email through our Qmail server from his office LAN.
> I allowed his office IP block in my /etc/tcp.smtp file as follows
> xxx.yyy.zzz.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> .
> .
> .
> :allow
> This I assume this will let him relay as long as he comes from the IP address
> pool above regardles of what his email address is.
> But relay fails until I also put his domain in the /control/rcpthosts
> file! I don't want everybody in his domain to relay just him.
> How to do that?

You could try a pop before smtp program that you use with qmail.  It
will in real time add and remove (based on a time limit) ip's to the
relay control file for people who have pop accounts your system.  The
way it works is a person would check their mail which involves their
mail client contacting the server's pop daemon.  The pop before smtp
program would let the user get verified and logged in then record their
IP address to the relay file so that when they go to send mail via smtp
it will allow his ip address.  I have it working with Vpopmail (which is
a virtual mail add-on to qmail but also has the above feature) and it
works fine.  Another program which doesn't do virtual mail it just does
the pop before smtp is by Bruce Guenter and can be downloaded and etc
from  .  I haven't personally tried it but I
have heard it mentioned many times here in the list.
                        Take Care,

Dale Miracle
System Administrator
Teoi Virtual Web Hosting

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