On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:08:49AM +0100, Barrie Bremner wrote:

>  I've been refused delievery from the qmail program running (from
>  inet.d) on my Linux box to a local ISP - the reason being I was
>  sending from a dialup account with dynamic IP - and mail-abuse.org
>  have decided that this is a bad thing and that I should use a feature
>  called SMTP gateways.
>  (a) Could someone explain how this works and (b) How I get my qmail
>  prog to use this, so I don't get nasty refused headers from servers.

The easy solution would be to set up your ISPs mail server as a global
smtproute.  Do that by putting a line in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes
that looks like this:


That will send all outbound mail through that server.

If you want to be a bit more spiffy and set it up to queue outbound
mail, etc. you can use serialmail to do all sorts of neat things:



Ben Beuchler                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MAILER-DAEMON                                         (612) 321-9290 x101
Bitstream Underground                                   www.bitstream.net

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