Em Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Sam Varshavchik escreveu:

> Maildrop mailing list - http://www.flounder.net/~mrsam/maildrop/>
>On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Daniel Augusto Fernandes wrote:>
>> I was just wondering if maildrop searches the userdb in case sensitive!>
>> Mr. Sam?>
>maildrop will search the userdb for whatever the recipient name the mail
>server told it to deliver to.  The search is case sensitive.

Is there anyway I can make qmail-lspawn to tell the delivery program the recipient 
name in lowercase?

If not, how can I make maildrop to do the search in case insensitive? Should I only do 
the 'tolower' I've done when maildrop receive it?


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