On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 11:42:22AM -0400, Sean C Truman wrote:
> Magnus,
>     I agree the ORBS test are dumb and don't really pertain to 95% of the
> mail servers out there. But if you are in the ORBS database then some mail
> is going to be rejected. This test is just a overall test so that all system
> administrators can test. Not just the 95% of us out there.  And as far as
> decision making.. no one is making any decisions. If you know certain test
> don't apply to you. Ignore them! As a mail administrator you should know
> which test do and don't apply to your server.. The test does not report it's
> results to anywhere except your browser.

I agree partly. 

But my point is that the test is misleading and will cause confusion for
those who don't understand. Especially if it states with big letters that
"You are running an Open Relay" without any explanations. 



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