> James Stevens wrote:
> Okay couple questions..
> 1. In qmail how can I force it to go by both MX and A records as
> opposed to just A records??  I have found that qmail seems to have a
> problem when it can't resolve the A record even though the MX is fully
> resolveable to an IP...

Every MX record should point to CNAME or an A record.  "A" records work
better but CNAME are fine but you have to do more wierdness to get it

I think qmail looks up the A record, then the MX record, but I'm not
sure about that.

> 2. Is there any way to view whats actually in queue as oppsed to just
> seeing numbers.. My boss likes being able to actually see the queue
> like in the old Sendmail.

It's a little wierd.  The messages are stored in one place and the queue
in another.

The message is in /var/qmail/queue/mess/$n/$messagenumber 

The addresses that is to be sent to is in
/var/qmail/queue/remote/$n/$messagenumber or

So cat /var/qmail/queue/mess/$n/$messagenumber to view the message and
/var/qmail/queue/remote/$n/$messagenumber to veiw where it's going.

This is one reason why I think the qmail-queue system sucks.

> --JT

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