On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 03:12:33PM -0400, Andy Meuse wrote:
> I have a web server off-site, web.mydomain.com. A java process on this
> server sends mail using my local qmail server, qmail.mydomain.com. As seen
> in the header below, firewall.mydomain.com, which is the offsite firewall
> for the web server is also in on the deal somehow. Here is a header of a
> successfully sent email from web.mydomain.com to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The IP of qmail.mydomain.com is the address, the
> address is the firewall IP. I have gotten this to work by removing my
> rcpthosts file (duh), but I would like it to work the proper way.
> The relaying rules on qmail.mydomain.com work for the web server and the
> firewall (tested with rcpthosts present using sendmail) so that doesn't seem
> to be the problem.
> Should I put firewall.mydomain.com and\or web.mydomain.com in locals and\or
> rcpthosts to make this work?

No, use tcp.smtp and tcpserver to set RELAYCLIENT when connections
from come in. Its in the Life With Qmail book,

> Astrological sign:
> Aries

Fear not, the stars aren't necessary -- yet.

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