On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 06:20:44PM +0200, NERvOus wrote:
>  Il giorno Thu, Sep 14 in un momento di profonda ispirazione
>  Olivier M. scrisse riguardo a " Re: denying user@ip senders ":
> > > I don't want ppl to be able to send mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and force them
> > > to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead, even if the recipient is a local user.
> > > How can I achieve it?
> > 
> > Look at the antispam patches : there are one which check if the
> > domain name of the sender exists : I guess it will also trap
> > ip adresses...
> it doesn't. I'm already using it:

Well, you you can try to patch this patch :) (or ask the author
of the original patch)

 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland

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