
I'd like to know if I can send my messages not being root.
Now my situation looks like this: as a common user I write
messages in mutt and pressing 'y' I send them. Usually I do it
while being offline so all messages are waiting in qmail's queue.
And when I'm connected to the internet (to do so I use /etc/ppp/ppp-on
script that is included to my RedHat 6.2 as default) I must su to root
to be able to send all my messages (and to fetch my messages I don't
have to). And to send them I type '/usr/bin/killall -ALRM qmail-send'.
So I thought that it would be great if I could send e-mails as not root
and to do it whenever I want to (I mean not automaticaly because I heard
that I can add qmail-send command to ip-up - this not what I want).
Do you have any idea how can I do it? And moreover I'd like to it was 
as secure as possible (hope that I won't have to add suid bit to any file).
Thank you for help,


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