Greg Kopp wrote:
> I would appreciate some help here.
> I am running qmail as describe in LWQ. I have been running it successfully
> for over 7 months with no problem (plus vpopmail, I might add)
> When I came in this morning, the server was running very slow for no
> apparent reason. After looking at a couple things, something just didn;t
> seem right with qmail, so I decided to stop and restart it. Now, every few
> seconds I get this:
> supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-send/supervise/lock: temporary
> failure
> supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: temporary failure
> supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-smtpd/supervise/lock: temporary
> failure
> supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: temporary failure
> I never had this before. Can anyone help my diagnose and/or fix this?
> Greg

How do the scripts start your daemontools?

Kill all supervise and svscan process. Check the permisssions of the
lock files which appear in the log files. They must be root owned.

People: Is this all right?

Daniel Augusto Fernandes (DAF tm)               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     Se você não encontra
                     o sentido das coisas
                     é porque este não
                     se encontra, se cria.
                                   Antoine Saint-Exupéry

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