Hi Daniel,

net admin wrote:
> I replaced sendmail with Qmail 1.03 and now SEndmail is sending too many
> error messages from cron jobs trying to check the queue every 30 mins.
> How to stop this madness?
> I get this error email message:
> cron:  Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail -q
> illegal option --q

I think the cron file/setting is calling the new sendmail
binary included in qmail.

Check for all entries which call sendmail from cron and
disable it.

crontab -l will list all scheduled stuff.

If you find a sendmail entry, crontab -e will let you
edit the file, put a # and comment the sendmail entry
out, save&quit.

Recent linux distributions have the directories
where xyz is hourly, daily, monthly (whatever).
Each directory has files in it which all get called from

If you find the file that calls sendmail, then chmod 0
the file and you should be OK.

hope this helps,


just to be curious,
did you disable all the old sendmail stuff and symlinks?

-- If somebody can help create a search engine for my room,
   I will call them a Saint...
   GUI == Graphical User Interference

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