John W. Lemons III writes:
 > I think I've figured out their problem...  They are using FTGate to retrieve
 > the mail from their ISP who places all their mail in a multi-drop mailbox.
 > Then the "smartpop" stuff in FTGate pulls the info from the ISPs drop box
 > and distributes it to the various local mail boxes, but can't distribute
 > some of the messages because the ISP is not modifying the message headers to
 > append the "expected" X-Recipient header derived from the RECV TO:
 > information from the envelope.  Is it just me, or does this sound
 > non-standard?  Any RFCs on this?

Tell them that they cannot reliably do what they want unless their ISP
cooperates.  These things *are* completely non-standard, but can be
made to work if the ISP stuffing the mail into the mailbox writes the
same information expected by the software downloading from the pop3

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | A hate crime makes
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521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | thoughts.  The crime is
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | itself already a crime.

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