
I'm new to the list and like most newcomers to technical mailing 
lists I join with the hope of getting some good technical tips for free.

Nothing wrong with this as even the most wizardly and guruish of 
us have probably "been there, done that"?

But that said, I'm always sensitive to the fact that however urgent 
my need for help might be, I'm a stranger importuning what might 
be a closenet (excuse the pun (:>) group with questions that are 
likely more annoying than intellectually challenging.

So sensitive soul that I am (:>, my personal policy for politeness 
on new lists is to send an e-mail query, making it as detailed as 
my ignorance allows, and making it as polite in tone as possible.

If I don't get an answer, I don't send out "Hey, I'm annoyed that I 
didn't get an answer" type messages; instead I wait and read the 
list, and hope for a gradual accretion of knowledge.  I've deliberately 
avoided asking for ccs in my own queries because the thought of 
asking made me uncomfortable.  Frequently though, folks that 
answered my questions did indeed send those thoughtful ccs.  

I'm very aware that on a new list I have no entitlements and that 
nothing is owed me except what's owed to strangers generally in 
civilized societies (like listservers).

I'm somewhat in the position, then, of the user that Charles gently 

>From that perspective, I don't really believe Charles was "rude".   
It's somewhat annoying, even for the most helpfully inclined souls, 
to be asked for things by strangers who don't ask in the spirit of 

I don't believe the user was all that rude either; just normally 
preoccupied by a pressing problem (I've definitely been there) and a 
little out of perspective with regard to others.

Sorry to be long winded.  Hope the above makes sense.


> > > It's urgent.. :/ please cc me privatly, so that I dont lose it
> > in the list...
> >
> > Not cc'd.  If you want the list to help you, you'll have to read the
> > list.
> >
> > Charles
> > --
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --- Charles Cazabon                           
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GPL'ed software available at: 
> > Any opinions expressed are
> > just that -- my opinions.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ---
> >
> >
> Charles, I think you're being rude. There's nothing wrong with cc'ing
> directly. I often do it when asked, and sometimes when I'm not, so I
> can insure the recipient gets the message, as I have with this
> message. Some people prefer it this way.

Jerry R. Keene
Senior Systems Analyst
SCS ENGINEERS---1970-2000! Thirty Year Anniversary
Partners With EPA Through The Landfill Methane Outreach Program

Phone: 703.471.6150
Fax: 703.471.6676

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