Hello everyone.

I am having problem compiling qmail in Solaris 2.6

I get the following error after executing make setup check:

( cat warn-auto.sh; \
echo CC=\'`head -1 conf-cc`\'; \
echo LD=\'`head -1 conf-ld`\' \
) > auto-ccld.sh
cat auto-ccld.sh make-load.sh > make-load
chmod 755 make-load
cat auto-ccld.sh find-systype.sh > find-systype
chmod 755 find-systype
./find-systype > systype
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-load "`cat systype`" ) > load
chmod 755 load
cat auto-ccld.sh make-compile.sh > make-compile
chmod 755 make-compile
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-compile "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 compile
( ( ./compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& cat fork.h2 || cat fork.h1 ) > fork.h
rm -f tryvfork.o tryvfork
./compile qmail-local.c
./compile qmail.c
./compile quote.c
./compile now.c
./compile gfrom.c
./compile myctime.c
./compile slurpclose.c
cat auto-ccld.sh make-makelib.sh > make-makelib
chmod 755 make-makelib
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-makelib "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 makelib
./compile case_diffb.c
./compile case_diffs.c
./compile case_lowerb.c
./compile case_lowers.c
./compile case_starts.c
./makelib case.a case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o \
case_lowers.o case_starts.o
./makelib: ar: not found
make: *** [case.a] Error 1

I check out and the case.a file is not beeing generated
Please advice 

Guillermo Villasana

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