Hi guys,

Here's my situation,  I have 3 domains I'm doing email for.  How can I
distinguish what user gets the mail when it comes in under a common name
like root, webmaster, etc.  Do I continue using aliases?

In my /var/qmail/alias/ directory, I have the file .qmail-webmaster with my
initial user name there.  But as I start adding domains, I need to
distingush who gets it according to the domain.  When I only had one domain,
it went to user DillWeed all the time, which was fine.  Now that there are
more than one domain, I have to change something.

I was looking at virtualdomains, but I'm not sure I need it since the last
part of man qmail-send says this:  qmail-send handles virtualdomains after
locals:  if a domain is listed in locals, virtualdomains does not apply.
And all my domains are listed in locals.

Jim T.

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