
On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 05:17:45PM +0000, Kimberly Vher wrote:
> Please help me in my problem. When I use sendmail i can check the incoming
> mails of my user in /var/spool/mail using elm -f user. How can i do this in
> qmail so that i can monitor or track the sender and the dates when the
> message receive. 
> In short is there an elm -f user in qmail?

This hasn't got too much to do with qmail, but with you mail client (elm
or what-have-you). I'd recommend mutt (especially as you use elm which
is mutt's default key bindings [no MUA war please]).

In mutt, you'd type "mutt -R -f /home/user/Maildir/" or whereever the user
has his maildir (I often run
"mutt -f /var/qmail/domains/" for example). Observe
the -R switch which means read-only.

Two gotchas: the mail client (mutt or other) must read maildirs and you
must be some kind of superuser (root or other) to read other peoples
maildirs. Observe also that this is considered unethical by many
(including me).

Short answer: get a Maildir-capable mail client and give it the Maildir
location on the command-line.

Johan Almqvist

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