On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 01:27:26PM -0500, Don Wright wrote:
> > From: Alexander Jernejcic
> >
> > i think "Wheres Mybrudda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]" did
> > gather adresses for spam-mail!
> > just received spam from "From Lily [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]"
> It doesn't have to be from that hotmail account, it could be any lurker on
> the list, or it could be from the maillist to newsgroup mirror at
> newsgate.muc.de. Check news:muc.lists.qmail. (Bet you didn't know you were a
> USENET star.)

Reading headers shows that it is indeed that hotmail account.

Greetz, Peter
dataloss networks
'/ignore-ance is bliss' - me

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