> > when discussing as we are currently, could we take care only to reply
> > to the list or only to the author but not both. it's not a biggy and i
> > am a newbie here, so maybe i should not propose that, but getting the
> > same mail twice can be annoying...

> Simply add the following to your .procmailrc (if you use procmail):
> [SNIP]
> # Throw away duplicates
> :0Wh: .msgid.lock
> | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
> [SNIP]
> Now only one copy of the message will hit your inbox :)

yes, but imagine the following scenario:

mass mail comes at [EMAIL PROTECTED], so mailing list messages arrive
here. regular mail goes through [EMAIL PROTECTED] now, i have fetchmail poll
these accounts and forward it all to local qmail/procmail system. so personal
mail arrives before mass mail also because mailing lists take a little longer.
and mail is checked every minute to enable some procmail filters to take some
action which might be time-critical. so procmail could weed out all mass mail
by looing for listmail@... in the X-RCPT-TO header. but every mailing list is
actually filtered separately, so whatever passes through all recipes is
considered personal mail.

now, i want to keep responses as part of the mailing list, not as separate
personal replies, so i need to let the first fall through and keep the second
one, which arrives later. i don't want to rely on From or To/Cc headers.

one thing i was thinking off might work if in procmail recipes, the different
/^*/ lines are evaluated much like the C || or && operators, i.e. the second
test is not performed if the first one failed. because then i could place
one recipe right at the beginning checking for the X-RCPT-TO header, and only
if present will is pass through the formail check, and after the lists before
writing personal mail, check the formail filter and then discard the message
if it is a mass message. but then i think about this temporally with the
assumption that the personal email will arrive first, and my logics defeat me.

so sorry for cross-posting this to the security list where this thread started,
but this may be an interesting challenge to everyone. maybe of course i am just
dumb and this is easy.



(greetings from the heart of the sun)

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