> Ok. In another message you mention that qmail appears to be doing the
> DNS lookup itself. In fact, the qmail-smtpd program *does* do DNS
> lookups. It does *not* look at /etc/hosts. It only uses a live DNS
> server.
why should it? (just a rethorical question due to my frustration :-) )

> When qmail-smtpd does lookups, it is not trying to find the name of the
> machine that is sending mail. Rather, it is trying to find the IP
> address of a name in one of the control files (/var/qmail/control). If
> you have listed names there (for instance, in the "me" file or the
> "locals" file) instead of IP addresses, qmail-smtpd will try to turn
> them into IP addresses.
> Since you're not running DNS, you should use IP addresses in those files
> rather than names. You can specify them as [] or just
> Brackets are optional.
> Replace all of the references to your machine with IP addresses and let
> us know how that goes.

well, i removed all name references (except in virtualdomains, obviously)

it's just the same delay... :((((

the only thing that changed is that now the welcome message is:

[root@mail control]# telnet mail 25
Connected to mail.umc.cl.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 [] ESMTP

> Finally, an excellent reference (if you haven't seen it already) is Dave
> Sill's Life With qmail at http://lwq.sill.org/.
thanks!, i'll check it right away...

Vinko Vrsalovic B.           +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       ++  Perche' la tua lingua e mia!, MIA! ++
ICQ: 9299103                 ++              (Mr B.)                ++
Geek code will never         +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
be available... :-)          [Today's mode:  PSB (Power Saving Brain)] 

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