On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Peter Green wrote:

>   (pcg@micah) ~> rpm -qf /usr/include/asm/sigcontext.h
>   kernel-headers-2.4.0-0.21
> My guess is that's what you're looking for. Even if you already have it
> installed, install it again (with --force if you have to) to recreate the
> necessary symlinks.

        Looks like I spoke too soon. In my previous message (after yours
but before I responded to this one) I outlined all of the linked
directories on both systems. I thought I was thorough, but I was not :-(
The rpm command above indicated that the file was missing, so I traced
through each link. I found that in the /usr/src/linux/include directory,
the "asm" link to "asm-i386" was actually missing.

        After adding the link (not sure why it was missing), qmail
compiles (make setup check) properly. Thanks, all, for helping me through

Roger Walker                         <http://www.rat-hole.com>
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"HIS Pain; YOUR Gain"                <http://www.rope.net>

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