On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 04:30:09PM -0400, Alex Pennace wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 01:00:58PM -0700, Duane L. wrote:
> > [...] Had a user complaining that an important
> > email never arrived. Poking around in their home directory I found this  
> > file ...
> > -rw-------   1 root     users       12618 Oct 24 08:34 BOGUS.LtFK
> > 

There is a mail client that creates BOGUS.* files.  I can't remember
which one.

> > looking at its contents... there are 3 emails in it. 2 addressed to the
> > user implicitly and another to a list he subscribed to.  
> > 
> > Questions:
> > Why weren't these messages piped to the users .mail file ?   
> > 
> > Is the BOGUS.* file a normal qmail operation ? and if so, what might help
> > to prevent this problem in the future.
> No, qmail doesn't generate BOGUS files by itself. Something is causing
> qmail to generate it. What do the logs say?


Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Database publishing, e-commerce, office/internet integration, Debian linux.

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