qmail Digest 5 Nov 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1175

Topics (messages 51638 through 51659):

CNAME Lookup Failed
        51638 by: Asfihani
        51651 by: Alex Pennace
        51653 by: Stefan Laudat
        51656 by: Brett Randall

Re: smtp, pop3, RH7 and qmail
        51639 by: Alexander Jernejcic

Re: Qmail Configuration
        51640 by: Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios

Re: high performance configs [was: Blocked pipe to qmail-queue]
        51641 by: Sean Reifschneider

Error Code
        51642 by: Adrian Turcu
        51643 by: Brett Randall
        51644 by: Adrian Turcu
        51645 by: Brett Randall

Re: Yahoo delivery failure - short test and proposal
        51646 by: Johan Almqvist

Re: Quota on outgoing mail
        51647 by: Jens Georg
        51648 by: Andy Bradford
        51649 by: markd.bushwire.net

HELP, CNAME lookup failure
        51650 by: Asfihani

problem when install qmail+vpopmail+mysql+courier-imap on redhat 6.2??
        51652 by: rom
        51658 by: Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga
        51659 by: rom

Re: QMail is't starting....
        51654 by: Joost van Baal

Change to envdir for completely clean environment
        51655 by: Karl Vogel

        51657 by: Filippo Giunchedi


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I have running qmail in my redhat 62,
After for several days my qmail work properly.
But this yesterday I got the following error ,
Today I see the qmail try to send email, but
the error message is always same.

[root@freon qmail]# tail -f /var/log/qmail/@00000973335291
973334876.673935 info msg 770353: bytes 864 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 17338 uid 566
973334876.676509 starting delivery 6884: msg 770353 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
973334876.676528 status: local 0/120 remote 1/120
973334876.681118 delivery 6884: deferral: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/

[root@freon qmail]# hostname

[root@freon qmail]# ps ax | grep named
 1046 ?        S      5:51 /usr/sbin/named

[root@freon qmail]# cat /etc/resolv.conf

[root@freon qmail]# host -t mx lovemail.com localhost
Using domain server:
Name: localhost
lovemail.com mail is handled (pri=10) by mail1.chek.com

[root@freon qmail]# ping mail1.chek.com
PING mail1.chek.com ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from mail1.chek.com ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=238 time=396.4 ms
64 bytes from mail1.chek.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=238 time=412.9 ms

Any clue for this problem?


On Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 06:56:56PM +0700, Asfihani wrote:
> Hi,
> I have running qmail in my redhat 62,
> After for several days my qmail work properly.
> But this yesterday I got the following error ,
> Today I see the qmail try to send email, but
> the error message is always same.
> [root@freon qmail]# tail -f /var/log/qmail/@00000973335291
> 973334876.673935 info msg 770353: bytes 864 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 17338 uid 
> 973334876.676509 starting delivery 6884: msg 770353 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 973334876.676528 status: local 0/120 remote 1/120
> 973334876.681118 delivery 6884: deferral: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/


It amazes me that people RTFM only far enough to find the qmail list

PGP signature

> http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/outgoing.html#cname-lookup
> It amazes me that people RTFM only far enough to find the qmail list
> address.

The problem is you're too kind to answer them instead of leaving them to grow up a bit 

Stefan Laudat 
Love is sentimental measles.

On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/outgoing.html#cname-lookup
>> It amazes me that people RTFM only far enough to find the qmail
>> list address.
> The problem is you're too kind to answer them instead of leaving
> them to grow up a bit :)

Why not just change the subscribe e-mail for this list to list about
five pages (FAQ, LWQ, qmail.org, cr.yp.to and the list archives) that
are essential reading before posting any question? Then any people
that ask a question answered in any of those five areas can be kicked
off the list or something for 2 days (just long enough to make them
have to go research the problem). Only prob is would require a fairly
active list moderator (or a few less active ones).
"Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless." 
"Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop."

- Random Shack Data Processing Dictionary

Bauhaus wrote:
> Now I've switched to RH7 and I can connect neither to SMTP nor POP3.
> What to to? The inetd is replaced with xinetd.
there seems to be some pitfalls in the installaton of xinetd. make sure
does not listen either at 25 nor at 110. are your tcpservers for 25 and 110

> I can send mail to locals and to remotes.
i assume you send via qmail-inject? what if you try: telnet localhost 25?
and not to forget: what does the log say(TM)?

;) a

> "Manu K.U." wrote:
> Dear Sir,
>        Can you send me the qmail configuration details, with
> integrating qmail with virtual domains.
> regards,
>       Manu
This is the URL: http://Web.InfoAve.net/~dsill/qmail.html

On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 11:24:07AM +0000, Greg Cope wrote:
>Also sending one message will reduce the I/O required compared to n

If you can get away with having a single message with tons of BCCs...

>What about using tcpserver to limit the inbound connections - or even
>move this to another box (if you can split the list like that).

The incoming mail isn't bounces or the like, it's the actual message
to deliver out...  Moving bounces off to another machine or another
queue can help, but it's still really easy to swamp the system by
injecting messages.

 Decide who gets root on your country.
 VOTE!  November 7, 2000
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python


I am using qmail v1.03 on RedHat 6.2 system.
After installation, when I try to test the mail-server locally
I got the following error:

 unable to exec qq (#4.3.0)

What happen ?
The installation is for Maildir.

I am using qmail for some times, but never get this message until now (it is always a 

Thank you in advance,
Adrian Turcu

On Fri, 03 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  unable to exec qq (#4.3.0)

More information required. What are you trying to do/how/what command
line are you calling/what is your setup?
Calvin: I've been thinking, Hobbes
Hobbes: On a weekend?
Calvin: Well, it wasn't on purpose...

Brett Randall wrote:
> On Fri, 03 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  unable to exec qq (#4.3.0)
> More information required. What are you trying to do/how/what command
> line are you calling/what is your setup?
> --
> Calvin: I've been thinking, Hobbes
> Hobbes: On a weekend?
> Calvin: Well, it wasn't on purpose...

I do local test like this:

>telnet localhost 25


some text

451 unable to exec qq (#4.3.0)   <-- this is what my server response

/var/qmail/.qmail contain ./Maildir/ line
/var/qmail/rc is as follow:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
     qmail-start './Maildir/'

Adrian Turcu
System Administrator
 Computers Department
 Romanian Railway Company
 Constanta Region
Phone:  +40 92 563791 (any time)
        +40 43 363977 (home)

On Fri, 03 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 451 unable to exec qq (#4.3.0)   <-- this is what my server response
> /var/qmail/.qmail contain ./Maildir/ line

I presume you mean /var/qmail/alias/.qmail

> /var/qmail/rc is as follow:
> #!/bin/sh 
> exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>      qmail-start './Maildir/'

This is great...what install docs did you follow? Life with qmail? The
ones that come with qmail? An RPM install? What other startup files
are there? Are you using supervise and tcpserver?

I recommend looking at:
"Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless." 
"Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop."

- Random Shack Data Processing Dictionary

On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 01:45:56PM +0000, Ricardo Cerqueira wrote:
> > > How about giving them numbers?
> > See? :) This is the kind of unexpected response which is good to
> > gather up before we talk to Yahoo... By the way, I'm not against
> > Yahoo, I just think their sysadmins need a good kick up the rear and
> > maybe even a good kick out...
> Me neither. But whatever is going on in there, I hope they're aware of it.
> If not... well... We could give them a wake up call...
> Values like these:
> are NOT good. This shows a 19.38% delivery success rate. (OK, I probably
> have multiple failures per message. But still, it's a 5 connections to 1
> delivery rate.) How are we supposed to explain this to our customers?
> "Blame Yahoo!"?


Contributions welcome. References, too.

Johan Almqvist
Don't use Yahoo webmail: http://www.propellerheads.org/noyahoo/

hi peter,

> > are making constant overloads on my bandwidth...
> echo 10485760 > /var/qmail/control/databytes

is this really enough ? i remember to read once that qmail has to be
compiled specially to use this feature.

instant networks - netzwerkmanagment & internetfullservices

Thus said Jens Georg on Sat, 04 Nov 2000 19:49:57 +0100:

> > echo 10485760 > /var/qmail/control/databytes
> is this really enough ? i remember to read once that qmail has to be
> compiled specially to use this feature.

Yes, this really is all that needs to be done---no special compiling or 
patches.  Read the man pages and you'll see. ;-)

[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
 11:56am  up 2 days, 14:15,  5 users,  load average: 1.17, 1.19, 1.18

On Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 11:56:33AM -0700, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Jens Georg on Sat, 04 Nov 2000 19:49:57 +0100:
> > > echo 10485760 > /var/qmail/control/databytes
> > 
> > is this really enough ? i remember to read once that qmail has to be
> > compiled specially to use this feature.
> Yes, this really is all that needs to be done---no special compiling or 
> patches.  Read the man pages and you'll see. ;-)

And once you have that limit in place, just make sure your users don't
send two mails of half the size to get around this limit...

databytes will stop naive dis-interested users, but not determined naive users.



I already patch qmail with oversize DNS packets of Christopher K.
Davis. But it not solve the problem. The message can't delivered.
It's already for several days :(

973366611.480853 starting delivery 3105: msg 773464 to remote
973366611.480871 status: local 0/120 remote 1/120
973366611.485720 delivery 3105: deferral:

[root@freeon qmail]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
[root@freeon qmail]# host -t mx lovemail.com localhost
Using domain server:
Name: localhost
lovemail.com mail is handled (pri=10) by mail1.chek.com
[root@freeon qmail]# ping mail1.chek.com
PING mail1.chek.com ( from : 56(84) bytes
of data.
64 bytes from mail1.chek.com ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=238
time=331.9 ms
64 bytes from mail1.chek.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=238
time=330.6 ms

--- mail1.chek.com ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 330.6/331.2/331.9 ms

Any idea?


Asfihani.               #UIN: 85858803
WinErr 16547: LPT1 not found. Use backup. (PENCIL & PAPER.SYS)

i want to setup webmail system on my server . now
the smtp and pop3 service working well with qmail+vpopmail+mysql on redhat 6.2 ,and now i want to install IMP ,and it need courier-imap to be setup on the server .
some error occure when i make the courier-imap .the error message are
Making install in authlib
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/rom/qmail/courier-imap-1.2.1/authlib'
gcc  -I/home/vpopmail/include -g -O2 -Wall -I.. -I./.. -L/home/vpopmail/lib  -o authvchkpw  modauthvchkpw.o libauthmod.a libauth.a ../md5/libmd5.a -lvpopmail -lm -lcrypt
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_open':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:59: undefined reference to `mysql_init'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:61: undefined reference to `mysql_real_connect'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:63: undefined reference to `mysql_real_connect'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:70: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:75: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:76: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:77: undefined reference to `mysql_select_db'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_adddomain_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:121: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:125: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:126: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_adduser_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:193: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:196: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:206: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:207: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_getpw_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:248: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:253: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:268: undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:277: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:280: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_deldomain_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:304: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:307: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:308: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_deluser_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:337: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:341: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:342: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_setquota_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:368: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_vpasswd_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:408: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_getall_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:449: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:454: undefined reference to `mysql_use_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:466: undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:476: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_setpw_size':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:544: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:549: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:550: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vopen_smtp_relay':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:575: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:581: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:585: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:586: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vupdate_rules':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:593: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:596: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:601: undefined reference to `mysql_use_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:608: undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:609: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vclear_open_smtp':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:622: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vcreate_relay_table':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:631: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:635: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:636: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vclose':
/home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:650: undefined reference to `mysql_close'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [authvchkpw] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rom/qmail/courier-imap-1.2.1/authlib'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
please help me!!
i used rpm to installed the mysql
vpopmail configure is
./configure --enable-default=test.com --enable-roaming-users --enable-hardquota=5242880 --enable-mysql=y --enable-logging=y --enable-large-site=y
courier-imap configure is
./configure --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs
wish can help u .

> rom wrote:
> i want to setup webmail system on my server . now
> the smtp and pop3 service working well with qmail+vpopmail+mysql on
> redhat 6.2 ,and now i want to install IMP ,and it need courier-imap to
> be setup on the server .
> some error occure when i make the courier-imap .the error message are
> "
> Making install in authlib
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/home/rom/qmail/courier-imap-1.2.1/authlib'
> gcc  -I/home/vpopmail/include -g -O2 -Wall -I.. -I./..
> -L/home/vpopmail/lib  -o authvchkpw  modauthvchkpw.o libauthmod.a
> libauth.a ../md5/libmd5.a -lvpopmail -lm -lcrypt
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_open':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:59: undefined reference to
> `mysql_init'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:61: undefined reference to
> `mysql_real_connect'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:63: undefined reference to
> `mysql_real_connect'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:70: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:75: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:76: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:77: undefined reference to
> `mysql_select_db'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_adddomain_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:121: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:125: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:126: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_adduser_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:193: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:196: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:206: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:207: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_getpw_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:248: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:253: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:268: undefined reference to
> `mysql_fetch_row'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:277: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:280: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_deldomain_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:304: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:307: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:308: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_deluser_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:337: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:341: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:342: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_setquota_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:368: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_vpasswd_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:408: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_getall_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:449: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:454: undefined reference to
> `mysql_use_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:466: undefined reference to
> `mysql_fetch_row'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:476: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vauth_setpw_size':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:544: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:549: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:550: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vopen_smtp_relay':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:575: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:581: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:585: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:586: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vupdate_rules':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:593: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:596: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:601: undefined reference to
> `mysql_use_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:608: undefined reference to
> `mysql_fetch_row'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:609: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vclear_open_smtp':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:622: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function
> `vcreate_relay_table':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:631: undefined reference to
> `mysql_query'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:635: undefined reference to
> `mysql_store_result'
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:636: undefined reference to
> `mysql_free_result'
> /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vclose':
> /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:650: undefined reference to
> `mysql_close'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [authvchkpw] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/rom/qmail/courier-imap-1.2.1/authlib'
> make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
> "
> please help me!!
> i used rpm to installed the mysql
> vpopmail configure is
> ./configure --enable-default=test.com --enable-roaming-users
> --enable-hardquota=5242880 --enable-mysql=y --enable-logging=y
> --enable-large-site=y
> courier-imap configure is
> ./configure --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs
> wish can help u .

Edit vmysql.h on you vpopmail-source-dir and substitute de fields for
the mysql database.


22 /* Edit to match your set up */
23 #define MYSQL_SERVER        "localhost"
24 #define MYSQL_USER          "root"
25 #define MYSQL_PASSWD        "mysecretpass"
26 /* End of setup section*/

Compile again and it's done.


Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga - Analista de Suporte - #179653
    Blumenau - Santa Catarina. Tel. (47) 9102-3303

     \ /  Campanha da Fita ASCII - Contra Mail HTML
      X   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
     / \

the error is occure on the first i compile courie-imap,is it need to do so ,and i try 
it ,the problem is same as befor
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joost van Baal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: problem when install qmail+vpopmail+mysql+courier-imap on redhat 6.2??

> On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 04:42:31AM +0800, rom wrote:
> > i want to setup webmail system on my server . now 
> > the smtp and pop3 service working well with qmail+vpopmail+mysql on redhat 6.2 
>,and now i want to install IMP ,and it need courier-imap to be setup on the server .
> > some error occure when i make the courier-imap .the error message are 
> > "
> > Making install in authlib
> > make[1]: Entering directory `/home/rom/qmail/courier-imap-1.2.1/authlib'
> > gcc  -I/home/vpopmail/include -g -O2 -Wall -I.. -I./.. -L/home/vpopmail/lib  -o 
>authvchkpw  modauthvchkpw.o libauthmod.a libauth.a ../md5/libmd5.a -lvpopmail -lm 
> > /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a(vauth.o): In function `vauth_open':
> > /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:59: undefined reference to `mysql_init'
> > /home/rom/qmail/vpopmail-4.9.4/vauth.c:61: undefined reference to 
> Did you do a 
>  $ make clean
> before retrying to compile?
> -- 
> Joost

On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 04:20:29PM -0600, Javier Morquecho Morquecho wrote:
>       I just instaled QMail, but it is not starting, I can not  to telnet to my
> machine by 25 or 110 ports (I can to do a normal telnet), where can to check
> ??, I'm using RedHat....

What exactly happens when you telnet to port 25? Do you get a telnet thingie
like `Escape character is '^]'.' ?
What does your startup script look like? Did you look at your logfiles? What
do they say?


                                  . .
Joost van Baal                   .   .
                                 .   .                      http://mdcc.cx/
                                  . .


I like to use "/bin/env - PATH=..." to start things off with a clean
environment, but someone recently reminded me of the existence of envdir.
The patch below tells envdir to zap the environment if the directory
used as the first argument has the sticky bit turned on.

Comments welcome.

Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA
Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.      --Calvin & Hobbes

*** envdir.c.orig       Mon Mar  6 00:21:09 2000
--- envdir.c    Fri Nov  3 19:50:26 2000
*** 1,2 ****
--- 1,4 ----
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include "byte.h"
  #include "open.h"
*** 8,11 ****
--- 10,15 ----
  #include "pathexec.h"
+ extern char **environ;
  #define FATAL "envdir: fatal: "
*** 28,31 ****
--- 32,36 ----
    direntry *d;
    int i;
+   struct stat st;
    if (!*argv) die_usage();
*** 45,48 ****
--- 50,64 ----
    if (!dir)
      strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"unable to read directory ",fn,": ");
+   if (stat(".",&st) == -1)
+     strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"unable to stat directory ",fn,": ");
+   if (st.st_mode & 01000) {
+     environ = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *));
+     if (!environ) nomem();
+     environ[0] = (char *) 0;
+     if (!pathexec_env("PATH", "/bin:/usr/bin")) nomem();
+   }
    for (;;) {
      errno = 0;

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