qmail Digest 13 Nov 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1182

Topics (messages 52037 through 52071):

qmailadmin - 500 Internal Se. Error
        52037 by: Are Haugsdal
        52043 by: Sean Reifschneider
        52047 by: Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga

is there any way to let user control their own forwards, aliases, mailing lists
        52038 by: rom

Re: RFC822 compliant?
        52039 by: Felix von Leitner
        52042 by: briank.hex.net
        52050 by: Andy Bradford
        52061 by: Russ Allbery
        52062 by: briank.hex.net
        52063 by: briank.hex.net
        52065 by: Johan Almqvist
        52068 by: Markus Stumpf

Re: Concurrency of qmail-command
        52040 by: markd.bushwire.net

Re: perl script acting funny
        52041 by: Fabrice Scemama
        52045 by: Peter Green
        52064 by: Timothy Legant

Re: Courier
        52044 by: Sean Reifschneider

unable to switch to queue directory
        52046 by: Michael Renner
        52051 by: Alexander Jernejcic

Double CR
        52048 by: Magnus Naeslund\(b\)

Re: relay-ctrl does not work
        52049 by: Oliver Lehmann
        52052 by: Peter Green
        52053 by: Oliver Lehmann
        52054 by: Peter Green
        52055 by: Alex Pennace
        52056 by: Oliver Lehmann

Re: very slow delivery
        52057 by: Alexander Jernejcic
        52059 by: Jesse Reynolds

Re: Script for adding new qmailusers
        52058 by: Ruprecht Helms

how to use qmail-remote
        52060 by: ketan bajaj

Newbie question about new users
        52066 by: Christophe.Andreoli.nse.de

Re: Wanting to move the qmail queue.
        52067 by: Michael Maier

Re: qmail 1.04
        52069 by: Markus Stumpf

Re: Backups ??
        52070 by: Jenny Holmberg

please help me!!
        52071 by: dick


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QmailAdmin loads fine, but when I have given the login information, and press submit, I get the "500 Internal Server Error".
Server error log says: "WARNING: chdir to /home/vpopmail/domains/mydomainname.com failed
[Sun Nov 12 12:19:48 2000] [error] [client xxx.xx.xx.xxx] Premature end of script headers: /usr/www/cgi-bin/qmailadmin"
Any thoughts of this might be? The domain, user etc. is created. Earlier, this worked fine, and this error only came when login in with domains that didnīt exists.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 12:40:48PM +0100, Are Haugsdal wrote:
>QmailAdmin loads fine, but when I have given the login information, and press
>submit, I get the "500 Internal Server Error".

A while ago I ran into a very similar problem that was related to using
qmailadmin from a box running a particular version of Internet Exploder.
It would generate Internal Server Errors when trying to add POP users.
If you are using IE, try Netscape as a test.

 Put out fires during the daytime.  Do your real work at night.
 Sleep is just an addiction.  -- Dieter Muller
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

> Are Haugsdal wrote:
> QmailAdmin loads fine, but when I have given the login information,
> and press submit, I get the "500 Internal Server Error".
> Server error log says: "WARNING: chdir to
> /home/vpopmail/domains/mydomainname.com failed
> [Sun Nov 12 12:19:48 2000] [error] [client xxx.xx.xx.xxx] Premature
> end of script headers: /usr/www/cgi-bin/qmailadmin"
> Any thoughts of this might be? The domain, user etc. is created.
> Earlier, this worked fine, and this error only came when login in with
> domains that didnīt exists.
> Thanks.
> Are


This happens with me too!
Any clue ?

Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga - Analista de Suporte - #179653
    Blumenau - Santa Catarina. Tel. (47) 9102-3303

     \ /  Campanha da Fita ASCII - Contra Mail HTML
      X   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
     / \

i have installed qmail + vpopmail +imp + qmailadmin .and qmailadmin can do the things ,but i'm looking a way to let user control their own things by themself.is there a free code for the idea.

> Maybe I can simplify the issue here by asking a question:

> Is it the consensus here that the following is RFC822 compliant:

> defaultdomain: empty

> qmail-inject converts you@somewhere -> you@somewhere. (note the period)

What kind of experts are you people, anyway?

RFC822 specifies the format of email messages, not qmails qualification
mechanism.  If you are unable to configure your qmail properly, you
lose.  It's that easy.

Even mentioning RFC822 in this context is obnoxious.


So you're basically saying that qmail can pretty much mung up an
e-mail address any way it likes because it's...qmail!  

That seems to sum up the attitude around here:  Qmail is great, don't
dare question its merits.

Sorry to obscure the issue with facts.  I can see why qmail is still
stuck at 1.03, given the support of folks like yourself.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 03:20:22PM +0100, Felix von Leitner wrote:
> > Maybe I can simplify the issue here by asking a question:
> > Is it the consensus here that the following is RFC822 compliant:
> > defaultdomain: empty
> > qmail-inject converts you@somewhere -> you@somewhere. (note the period)
> What kind of experts are you people, anyway?
> RFC822 specifies the format of email messages, not qmails qualification
> mechanism.  If you are unable to configure your qmail properly, you
> lose.  It's that easy.
> Even mentioning RFC822 in this context is obnoxious.
> Felix

Breakfast of champs.

Thus said [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, 12 Nov 2000 11:54:48 CST:

> So you're basically saying that qmail can pretty much mung up an
> e-mail address any way it likes because it's...qmail!  

No, he is not saying that at all.  qmail out-of-the-box will not munge 
anything.  What that user was asking is clearly a case of user error 
and misconfiguration.  It has nothing to do with any RFCs whatsoever.  
There is nothing to protect the user from telling qmail to do the Wrong 
Thing(tm), just like there is nothing stopping the user from doing
"rm -rf /" when logged in as root.

> That seems to sum up the attitude around here:  Qmail is great, don't
> dare question its merits.

I don't see that attitude at all---this problem is clearly not due to 
qmail, but rather the way the user configures it.

> Sorry to obscure the issue with facts.  I can see why qmail is still
> stuck at 1.03, given the support of folks like yourself.

That's not the reason why it is *stuck* at 1.03---what does free 
support have to do with versioning of a program?!?  You clearly have 
obscured the issue with facts.

[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
 12:08pm  up 10 days, 14:27,  4 users,  load average: 2.40, 2.18, 1.73

briank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So you're basically saying that qmail can pretty much mung up an e-mail
> address any way it likes because it's...qmail!

No, qmail-inject can munge up an e-mail address any way it likes because
the behavior of the program your MUA runs is not govered by any standard

I think you missed the fact that RFC 822 is an *Internet* standard and
hence specifies what's sent *between* systems.  It says absolutely nothing
about what happens *on* a system, or what canonicalization processes user
interface software may apply to headers.

You'll find that sendmail does all sorts of bizarre things with locally
injected mail.  It doesn't violate RFC 822 by doing so either.

Please become more familiar with the nature and scope of IETF standards
before using them as an arguing point.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

Lovely attitude you got there, friend.  Does your attitude pretty
much signify the attitude of the entire group here, or is it just you
with the superiority complex?

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 06:25:11PM +0100, Felix von Leitner wrote:
> > So you're basically saying that qmail can pretty much mung up an
> > e-mail address any way it likes because it's...qmail!  
> Excuse me?  Are you always this witty and well-informed?
> If I tell qmail to munge my email addresses, qmail is supposed to do so.
> If you are too dumb to configure your software correctly, then that is
> not qmail's fault.
> By the way: learn how to quote, luser.

Breakfast of champs.


Thanks for the response.  I'm still a bit confused, though:  If I
attempt to inject a piece of mail with a valid, RFC822-compliant
address, and qmail rejects it due to some sort of internal formatting
it does, does this not defeat the purpose of having an Internet
standard to begin with?

BTW, this isn't flamebait (comment for Felix). I'm just trying to
figure out why qmail is unable to correctly resolve an address in the



On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 02:51:17PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> No, qmail-inject can munge up an e-mail address any way it likes because
> the behavior of the program your MUA runs is not govered by any standard
> whatsoever.

Breakfast of champs.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 06:36:02PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> BTW, this isn't flamebait (comment for Felix). I'm just trying to
> figure out why qmail is unable to correctly resolve an address in the
> format
> someone@domain

Have you ever tried to send mail to postmaster@com?

I have a vague memory that user@TLD isn't valid (which really doesn't have
anything to do with the form of the address - user@myhost is okay...)

My 2Ē

Johan Almqvist

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 06:32:17PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Lovely attitude you got there, friend.  Does your attitude pretty
> much signify the attitude of the entire group here, or is it just you
> with the superiority complex?


Go and learn how to properly configure your mail system and stop abusing
someone other's domain.


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | up screaming and you
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | realize you haven't
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  | fallen asleep yet.

On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 06:49:11PM -0800, Ellen Spertus wrote:
> I'm unable to figure out from the FAQ and man pages how much concurrency 
> there is in local delivery when users have commands in their .qmail-* 
> files.  To be concrete, assume the following files are in ~ellen:
> .qmail-foo
> | foo
> .qmail-bar
> | bar
> My questions are:
> 1. If a message arrives for ellen-foo, qmail-local will begin running foo. 
> If a second message to ellen-foo arrives while the first instance of foo is 
> running, will two foo processes run at once?

If concurrencylocal is greater than one, then sure. There is no per-user
concurrency constraint that is additional to the system-wide ones.

> 2. Same question, but about messages sent to ellen-foo and 
> ellen-bar.  Could the foo and bar processes run concurrently?

Same answer.

> 3. Am I right to assume that mail to different users is completely 
> independent; i.e., my having a slow process won't delay other users from 
> having their messages processed?

Excepting if a single user consumes all concurrencylocal slots, then other
deliveries will have to wait until a slot comes free.


Russ Allbery wrote:
> Greg Kopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have qmail and vpopmail installed on RH 6.2. I have a perl subroutine that
> > we use to send e-mail. Here is the code snipit:
> > sub mailto
> > {  $mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
> >    open(MAIL,"|$mailprog -t");
> >    my @args = @_;
> >    print MAIL "To: $args[0]\n";
> >    print MAIL "Bcc: $args[4]\n";
> >    print MAIL "From: $args[1]\n";
> >    print MAIL "Subject: $args[2]\n";

There should be two \n after the last line of the headers.

> >    print MAIL "$args[3]\n";
> >    close MAIL;
> > }
> > BUT when a mail message gets bounced, the message comes back to the user
> > that the web server is running as.
> Bounces go back to the envelope sender.  If you want to change the
> envelope sender, pass the -f option to the sendmail emulation program, as
> in:
>     /usr/lib/sendmail -t -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

You might as well add this header line:
print MAIL "Return-Path: ...\n";

Fabrice Scemama

also sprach fabrice:
> >     /usr/lib/sendmail -t -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You might as well add this header line:
> print MAIL "Return-Path: ...\n";

You can, though it won't do anything. It will be overwritten by the sendmail
program with either [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the literal user and machine
name where the mail is originating) or the argument to the ``-f'' flag as
specified above.

The man page for qmail-inject(8) (which is what the sendmail wrapper really
calls) says that ``Return-Path is deleted in any case''.

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is there any hope for me? Am I just thick? Does anyone remember the
> Rubiks Cube, it was easier!
I found that the Rubiks cube and Linux are alike. Looks real confusing
until you read the right book. :-)
(Seen on c.o.l.misc, about the "Linux Learning Curve")

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 12:55:08PM -0500, Peter Green wrote:
> also sprach fabrice:
> > >     /usr/lib/sendmail -t -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > You might as well add this header line:
> > print MAIL "Return-Path: ...\n";
> You can, though it won't do anything. It will be overwritten by the sendmail

I think what Fabrice is saying is that specifying the Return-Path header
is an alternative to using the -f switch on the sendmail/qmail-inject
command line. If you provide the Return-Path header to qmail-inject, it
will use the address(es) specified there as the envelope sender, which
is not quite the same as not doing anything. :)

> program with either [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the literal user and machine
> name where the mail is originating) or the argument to the ``-f'' flag as
> specified above.

Does the sendmail wrapper ignore Return-Path and instead use
[EMAIL PROTECTED]? Certainly qmail-inject doesn't, but I haven't
experimented with /var/qmail/bin/sendmail to check....

> The man page for qmail-inject(8) (which is what the sendmail wrapper really
> calls) says that ``Return-Path is deleted in any case''.

This is true, but only *after* processing it and using it to set the
envelope sender. man qmail-header and see the SENDER ADDRESSES section.
Also, note that the -f option will override this behavior, as will
having an 's' in the QMAILINJECT environment, etc., etc.

> /pg


On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 04:18:29PM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:
>Has anyone checked it out?

I picked it up and tried to set up a test mail server with it.  It indeed
does seem interesting...  This was a couple of months ago, so I don't remember
the details, but I ran into a problem where it just wasn't delivering mail
to the test user/domain I set up.  I spent several hours following the
documentation and FAQ.  The FAQ had some entries about what I was seeing,
and I verified I followed the instructions exactly.

I'd hope it would be fixed by now, but I haven't had another 5 hours to
try mucking with it again.

 kill -HUMP <pid>: Process immediately stops what it's doing and fork(2)s a
 child process, which runs as a daemon.  -- Sean Reifschneider, 1998
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

after installing qmail again on my machine
I'm having some troubles with qmail.  Here's what I get
while starting /etc/init.d/qmail

qmail: 974053338.446009 alert: cannot start: unable to switch to queue 

I've looked through the archives, and I checked the permissions on the queue:

cassiopeia:/root # ls -ld /var/spool/qmail
drwxr-x---   11 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 /var/spool/qmail 

cassiopeia:/root # ls -l /var/spool/qmail/
total 9
drwx------    2 qmails   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:37 bounce
drwx------   25 qmails   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 info
drwx------    2 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 12 18:48 intd
drwx------   25 qmails   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 local
drwxr-x---    2 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 lock
drwxr-x---   25 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 mess
drwx------    2 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 12 18:48 pid
drwx------   25 qmails   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 remote
drwxr-x---    2 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 12 18:48 todo

|Michael Renner      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany                        |
|Germany             Don't drink as root!      ESC:wq

Michael Renner wrote:
> ...snip...
> qmail: 974053338.446009 alert: cannot start: unable to switch to queue
> directory
> ...snip ...
> cassiopeia:/root # ls -ld /var/spool/qmail
> drwxr-x---   11 qmailq   qmail        1024 Nov 10 23:51 /var/spool/qmail
IMHO queue has to reside under ~/qmail respectively under the homedir of
the users for qmail.
 if (chdir("queue") == -1)
  { log1("alert: cannot start: unable to switch to queue directory\n");
_exit(111); }

;) a

Hello, i'm using a imap webmail setup over here (squirrelmail).
When it sends stuff the receiver of the message gets some double CR (\r)
What can i do to make this work?
It's using the sendmail wrapper.


 Programmer/Networker [|] Magnus Naeslund
 PGP Key: http://www.genline.nu/mag_pgp.txt


now qmail finally is running (thx to Robin) and the relay-ctrl-age after
a login fills the /service/smtpd/tcp.cdb - but not with the right data

ernie# tcprulescheck /service/smtpd/tcp.cdb
allow connection

but no IPs... I changed the relay-ctrl-age.c to this: 

/*  original
const char* rulesdir = "/etc/tcpcontrol";
const char* smtprules = "smtp.rules";
const char* smtpcdb = "smtp.cdb";
const char* tcprules = "/usr/bin/tcprules";
const char* spooldir = "/var/spool/relay-ctrl";

const char* rulesdir = "/service/smtpd";
const char* smtprules = "tcp";
const char* smtpcdb = "tcp.cdb";
const char* tcprules = "/usr/local/bin/tcprules";
const char* spooldir = "/var/spool/relay-ctrl";

Any Ideas?

Having trouble in Windows? Reboot!
Having trouble in Unix? Be root!

* Oliver Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001112 14:05]:
> ernie# tcprulescheck /service/smtpd/tcp.cdb

RTFM -- <http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcprulescheck.html>

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Convention organizer to Linus Torvalds: "You might like to come with us 
to some licensed[1] place, and have some pizza."
Linus: "Oh, I did not know that you needed a license to eat pizza".
[1] Licenced - refers in Australia to a restaurant which has government 
licence to sell liquor.
(Linus at a talk at the Melbourne University)

Hi Peter

> RTFM -- <http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcprulescheck.html>

Ok, and how can i become the ip's listed in the cdb file?

Yours Olli

* Oliver Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001112 14:34]:
> > RTFM -- <http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcprulescheck.html>
> Ok, and how can i become the ip's listed in the cdb file?

(pcg@j) /etc/tcpcontrol> cat smtp.rules
(pcg@j) /etc/tcpcontrol> env TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck smtp.cdb
rule 204.253.132.:
allow connection
(pcg@j) /etc/tcpcontrol> env TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck smtp.cdb
rule :
deny connection

IOW, the TCP* stuff refers to environment variables...

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I hope if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't 
just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good 
 (Jack Handey)

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 08:36:44PM +0100, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> > RTFM -- <http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcprulescheck.html>
> Ok, and how can i become the ip's listed in the cdb file?

You haven't read the manual, have you?

tcprulescheck says what tcpserver will do with a connection from IP
address $TCPREMOTEIP with host name $TCPREMOTEHOST and remote
connection information $TCPREMOTEINFO, following the rules compiled
into cdb by tcprules.

PGP signature

Hi Peter:

after an successfull POP3 login from

% env TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck /service/smtpd/tcp.cdb
allow connection
% env TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck /service/smtpd/tcp.cdb
allow connection
% env TCPREMOTEIP=333.333.333.333 tcprulescheck /service/smtpd/tcp.cdb
allow connection

allow from 333.. ??? i think anything was going wrong..

relay-ctrl-age creates a service/smtpd/tcp.cdb but no tcp in

Yours Olli

IMHO chmod should do the trick...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 5:13 AM
> Subject: Re: very slow delivery
> Hi
> I am having the same problem, where it takes 20 minutes for mail to
> be delivered, whether it's remote to local, local to remote, or local
> to local.
> It seems that indeed the permissions on the trigger file are
> wrong, mine is:
> prw-------  1 qmails  qmail  0 Oct 23 02:27 /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger
> Now, it has been taking 20 minutes to delever ever since I installed
> it. So presumably my installation didn't work properly, or has bugs
> in it. I'm using the FreeBSD ports collection to install qmail.
> I am confused about Magnus's suggestion on how to fix it, ie do a
> "make setup" from the qmail source. Would it not be enough to
> manually fix the permissions with chmod?
> If I cd to /usr/ports/mail/qmail and do "make setup" it response with
> "don't know how to make setup".
> Cheers
> Jesse
> PS, this would be an excellent thing to have in the FAQ! It seems
> many people are having this problem.
> >
> >On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 05:09:47PM +0200, Mirko Koenig wrote:
> >
> >  > now the delivery and sending of messages takes 20 min.
> >  > i write a message eg. in pine send it and then have to wait
> up to 20 min
> >  > till its delivered.
> >
> >check the permissions of "/var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger"
> >
> ># ls -l /var/qmail/queue/lock/
> >total 1
> >-rw-------   1 qmails   qmail           0 Mar  2  1999 sendmutex
> >-rw-r--r--   1 qmailr   qmail        1024 Jul  1 19:58 tcpto
> >prw--w--w-   1 qmails   qmail           0 Jul  1 20:58 trigger
> >^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> >If it doesn't is "prw--w--w-", then do a "make setup" from the
> qmail source
> >library again.
> >
> >/magnus
> >
> >--
> >http://x42.com/
> >
> >
> --
> --
>        Jesse Reynolds - Virtual Artists Pty Ltd - http://www.va.com.au
>              Email: jesse (at) va.com.au        - http://virtual.artists

Yes manually fixing the perms on ...lock/trigger has fixed it! I'm 
very relieved. I thought I was going to have to install a different 
mail server...



At 19:51 +0100 12/11/00, Alexander Jernejcic wrote:
>IMHO chmod should do the trick...
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Jesse Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>  Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 5:13 AM
>>  Subject: Re: very slow delivery
>>  Hi
>>  I am having the same problem, where it takes 20 minutes for mail to
>>  be delivered, whether it's remote to local, local to remote, or local
>>  to local.
>>  It seems that indeed the permissions on the trigger file are
>>  wrong, mine is:
>>  prw-------  1 qmails  qmail  0 Oct 23 02:27 /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger
>>  Now, it has been taking 20 minutes to delever ever since I installed
>>  it. So presumably my installation didn't work properly, or has bugs
>>  in it. I'm using the FreeBSD ports collection to install qmail.
>>  I am confused about Magnus's suggestion on how to fix it, ie do a
>>  "make setup" from the qmail source. Would it not be enough to
>>  manually fix the permissions with chmod?
>>  If I cd to /usr/ports/mail/qmail and do "make setup" it response with
>>  "don't know how to make setup".
>>  Cheers
>>  Jesse
>>  PS, this would be an excellent thing to have in the FAQ! It seems
>>  many people are having this problem.
>>  >
>>  >On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 05:09:47PM +0200, Mirko Koenig wrote:
>>  >
>>  >  > now the delivery and sending of messages takes 20 min.
>>  >  > i write a message eg. in pine send it and then have to wait
>>  up to 20 min
>>  >  > till its delivered.
>>  >
>>  >check the permissions of "/var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger"
>>  >
>>  ># ls -l /var/qmail/queue/lock/
>>  >total 1
>>  >-rw-------   1 qmails   qmail           0 Mar  2  1999 sendmutex
>>  >-rw-r--r--   1 qmailr   qmail        1024 Jul  1 19:58 tcpto
>>  >prw--w--w-   1 qmails   qmail           0 Jul  1 20:58 trigger
>>  >^^^^^^^^^^
>>  >
>>  >If it doesn't is "prw--w--w-", then do a "make setup" from the
>>  qmail source
>>  >library again.
>>  >
>>  >/magnus
>>  >
>>  >--
>>  >http://x42.com/
>>  >
>>  >
>>  --
>>  --
>>         Jesse Reynolds - Virtual Artists Pty Ltd - http://www.va.com.au
>>               Email: jesse (at) va.com.au        - http://virtual.artists


       Jesse Reynolds - Virtual Artists Pty Ltd - http://www.va.com.au
             Email: jesse (at) va.com.au        - http://virtual.artists

Am Sam, 11 Nov 2000 schrieb defender of the protocol:
> someone correct me if im wrong, but when i add a user (to users/assign, i 
> have all virtualdomains), i run qmail-newu and SIGHUP qmail-send, so yeah

And how about the real unix-user and the maildir?
Is this presented by santa claus? :))

I understand it so that you must have a unixuser, edit the assignfile and
create the maildir using maildirmake.


i'm trying to send an email using qmail-remote, i'm not able to send the 
message content. How does qmail-remote read the message content?
i'm using "qmail-remote host sender recip [ recip ... ]" as per the man 
After typing in the message content in a newline i do cntrl-D...
I receive an email at the recip address but don't get the content..
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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     How do I create a new Qmail User ?

I made a new User "michael" with yast, but Qmail , event after rebooting,
doesn't know the user
and complains that no Mailbox with this name is present.
how do you do it ?


queue-fix will help you!!

  michael maier  -  system & development administrator
  flatfox ag, hanauer landstrasse 196a
  d-60314 frankfurt am main
  fon    +49.(0)69.50 95 98-308
  fax    +49.(0)69.50 95 98-101
  url    http://www.flatfox.com -  m a k e  m y  d a y

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 01:36:08PM -0800, Ben Beuchler wrote:
> What's wrong with 'virtualdomains'?

It probably would also be cool to have a cdb for vitualdomains, just
like morercpthosts.

Maybe we could make some inquiry of the patches people use and get
some numbers to convince djb to officially add those patches?
(this list is probably NOT a good place for collecting the data ;-)


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
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D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  | fallen asleep yet.

"Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all...
> Is anyone here using QMail with IMAP ?


> How do you backup your users email ?

The same way we backup all other user data. We're using Veritas

"I live in the heart of the machine. We are one." 

thans a lot at first.

(1)Is ldap use the qmail-default to send other host After it got the realmail account 
locate,but how it  do with the pop3?
(2)How about ldap-Auth ,cdb-auth and database-auth.

any suggestion is welcome

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