Thank you first.

I am writing a linux application trying to send email to a qmail server. I
am able to send a very small sized data across successfully and receive in
in a mailbox ok, but when the data size becomes larger, it seems that the
email vanished in the air!

Any idea?  Below is the code...

  sockfd = socket ( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
  ina.sin_family = AF_INET;
  ina.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr ( server );
  ina.sin_port = htons ( portnum );
  memset ( ina.sin_zero, 0, 8 );

  connect ( sockfd, ( struct sockaddr * ) &ina, sizeof ( struct
sockaddr ) );

  slen = strlen ( pstr );

  ptmp = pstr;
  sentlen = 0;
  leftover = slen;
  do {
    sentlen = send ( sockfd, ptmp, slen-sentlen, 0 );
    ptmp += sentlen;
  } while ( ptmp < ( pstr + slen ) );

  shutdown ( sockfd, 2 );
  close ( sockfd );

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