
On the omail-webmail mailing list, we're currently talking about
a complete improved rewrite of the (quite popular now) omail-webmail 
interface.     < http://webmail.omnis.ch/omail.pl?action=about >

If you are interested, fell free to subscribe to the
devel mailing list, and tell us your opinon, features requests
or what you'd like to do!

Subscription page: http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/omail-devel


----- Forwarded message from "Olivier M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 02:44:56 +0100
From: "Olivier M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Mutt 1.0.1i
X-PGPKey-Url: http://omnis.ch/olivier-key.txt 
Subject: [Omail-devel] oMail-webmail 2 - project notes (draft)
X-Mailman-Version: 2.0beta5
Precedence: bulk
List-Id: Mailing list for oMail developpers <omail-devel.lists.sourceforge.net>


After the posts from Priyadi Iman Nurcahy, and some personal 
contacts and ideas, I think we could start a "version 2" of omail-webmail
in the next weeks. 

A complete rewrite is the requirement for a much better and
modular software : I will continue to maintain the current
programm tree (0.95 will come out soon), but rather work on
the new software than adding features to the old tree.

Some notes, ideas and technical stuff, not really sorted yet (RfC!):
Comments highly welcome!

* Features:

- it should stay a quick, practical and easy to use webmail solution:
- it must be as secure as possible
- target "market" are qmail servers using Maildirs as storage medium
  (there is Neomail for the Mbox-based servers)
- cpu load and memory usage should stay so low as possible
- support for multiple languages (if possible also for 2-byte-long 
  languages, like in asia)
- html templates support (there is probably some stuff that could
  be used for that in the CPAN).
- gpg/pgp support for outgoing mails
- the "cpu-unfriendly" routines could eventually be rewritten
  in C (for example the get_headers, or why not a "search in all mails"

* Directories:
  .             INSTALL, README, and all CGI scripts
  locale/       languages files
  templates/    html template files
        omail/  omail-webmail internal modules (auth, sessions, etc.)
        cpan/   cpan modules required by the software (in tar.gz)
  docs/         user docs

* Modules:
- config.pm : config...
- session.pm : session managment : called on every access
- auth.pm : called on login, to check authentication using
        a defined scheme and a specific sub-module for
        each systems: qmail, vmailmgr, vpopmail, ldap, etc.
- maildir.pm : maildir routines (get headers, get msg, change status, etc.)
- html.pm : encoding/decoding routines 
- ...

* Scripts:
Omail.pl would be splitted in different scripts, with
well definied tasks:
- index.cgi : login screen, with language choice
- login.cgi : call auth.pm
- mailbox.cgi : list folder contents
- message.cgi : display a single message
- viewattach.cgi : display/transmitt an attachment
- folder.cgi : create/move/edit/delete folders
- compose.cgi : compose new mail + multiple attachment managment
- addressbook.cgi : with import routines/modules
- config.cgi : user setup, signatures, etc.
- ...

Voila, I'm now waiting for your comments! If you are interested
to work on this project, please tell us right soon, and give us
your sourceforge login. 

Actually, I'm still studying and working a lot on different
projects (linux servers, qmail, perl, php, bit of java&xml): I won't 
manage to developp "omail-webmail 2" without help! But I think the 
need for such a program is there, and it can only become a "killer ap" :)


----- End forwarded message -----

 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch  -  http://webmail.omnis.ch

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