On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 12:42:13PM +0530, Kiran wrote:
> The following are the files present in the /var/qmail/control directory and their 
> concurrencyincoming            :    20
Bogus file. concurrencylocal and concurrencyremote are the real files.
concurrencyincoming is some invention of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> defaultdelivery                      :    ./Mailbox
Bogus file. There is no reference to this in qmail. It's yet another
invention of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> defaultdomain                      :    lists.dom1.com
> locals                                  :    lists.dom1.com
> me                                      :    lists.dom1.com
> moretcpthosts                      :    lists.dom2.com

Typo. You mean either rcpthosts or morercpthosts, but not (sic) moretcpthosts

> plusdomain                          :    lists.dom2.com
> rcpthosts                             :    lists.dom1.com
>                                                 lists.dom2.com
> virtualdomains                      :    lists.dom2.com:username

Wow Kiran. You went to a lot of trouble to retype that didn't you? All you've
done is to waste a lot of your time and a lot of ours.

Why not take the easy path and run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl and
cut-and-paste the output to an email for this list? No that would be too
useful and too simple.

If you feel it's important to hide your domain then buy commercial
support and don't bug this list. If you want free support, give us
real data, not the adulterated junk you posted above.

Sorry for being so harsh, but it's tiresome to see so many people
spend so much time hiding their real details (why, do they have
an ego problem?) This makes it much harder for the list to
understand the real situation. If you make it hard for the list,
you are unlikely to get a useful response. If you make it easy
for the list by providing real, unadulterated data, then you are
likely to find a response that solves your problem. Your call.


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