I installed qmail for the first time about a month ago and set it up as a
test central mail hub for some of our servers. It was working fine until
recently when I started seeing this:

--Q-ID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient------------
HAA17817       73 Wed Nov 22 07:45 warren
                 (Deferred: Name server: qmail.mainstream.net: host name
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Yes, this is a sendmail mailq...)

I'm sure a lot of you will say that the problem is obviously a DNS lookup
issue but I can lookup this server name successfully from the same server
that is having problems talking to the qmail server. This problem is also
not confined to one server and I can change the configuration to send the
mail to our current mail hub and it will be delivered successfully.

I have rebooted qmail.mainstream.net just so I could be sure the system was
initializing properly. I can send mail from qmail.mainstream.net
successfully. I have made no other changes to the server in the last month.
Here's what I have running:

 8603  p1- I      0:00.04 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -l0 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
-v -u 6001 -g 601 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
 8604  p1- I      0:00.04 /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3
  200  co- S      1:04.99 qmail-send
  206  co- I      0:36.87 splogger qmail
  207  co- S      0:11.08 qmail-lspawn |preline procmail
  208  co- S      0:57.81 qmail-rspawn
  209  co- I      0:00.75 qmail-clean

The logs on qmail don't seem to indicate that anything at all is getting to
the server. I can connect to qmail via telnet qmail.mainstream.net 25 and
get the expected response.

I'm not sure what else to check so any help would be appreciated.


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