Andrew Buenaventura wrote:

> re SMTP, this happens even if I am telneting from the linux box's loopback
> address (
> re pop my problem is not the aliasing.  my problem is that all the other
> users can't access their mail.  i think qmail divided my users 3 different
> groups:
> 1. all users created when sendmail is still installed are able to retrieve
> their mails using qmail
> 2. users created after sendmail was removed can logon but can't see their
> messages (i.e. i sent them a test message but nothing is reflected in their
> Maildir)
> 3. users created after i put Maildir under /etc/skel gets an authorization
> failure error message when they log on to the pop server

Got the same Problem because sendmail used /var/spool/mail/username
What I did was running qmail with Mailbox Format and then doing a symlink...
from /home/username/Mailbox to /var/spool/mail/username
for eg.
# ln -s /home/mmaier/Mailbox /var/spool/mail/mmaier
It's not the best Solution but worked for me very good with System Accounts.
  michael maier  -  system & development administrator
  flatfox ag, hanauer landstrasse 196a
  d-60314 frankfurt am main
  fon    +49.(0)69.50 95 98-308
  fax    +49.(0)69.50 95 98-101
  url -  m a k e  m y  d a y

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