Clemens Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>So my question is: Which patches should one not miss. 

I don't install any patches unless I know I need them. Only two of the
dozens of qmails I've installed have been patched:

  - my list server has the big-concurrency patch, and
  - a pop/imap/smtp server I installed for a customer required the
    AUTH and STARTLS patches.

>POP3/SMTP (no imap, no qmtp)

No patches required.

>smtp-after-pop and smtp-auth

Requires AUTH patch (I recommend Krzysztof Dabrowski's patch) and
open-smtp add-on.

>tarpiting RBL

Probably requires a patch, but I've never done this.

>vmailmgr / omail-admin
>(if possible) POP3/smtp ssl optional

These are all add-ons unless I'm mistaken.


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