qmail Digest 28 Nov 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1197

Topics (messages 52877 through 52956):

necessary patches?
        52877 by: Clemens Hermann
        52892 by: Dave Sill

changing to tcpserver
        52878 by: Neil Grant
        52879 by: Charles Cazabon
        52880 by: Romeyn Prescott
        52899 by: Neil Grant
        52900 by: Neil Grant
        52902 by: Charles Cazabon
        52904 by: Dave Sill
        52905 by: Neil Grant
        52906 by: Andy Bradford
        52907 by: Charles Cazabon
        52909 by: Neil Grant
        52916 by: Neil Grant
        52918 by: Henning Brauer
        52929 by: Neil Grant

SMTP Routing
        52881 by: Daniel POGAC

.qmail Question
        52882 by: Hans-Juergen Schwarz
        52884 by: Romeyn Prescott

Attachments with qmail and vmailmgr
        52883 by: Johan Björk

How use I masquarading with qmail
        52885 by: Ruprecht Helms
        52908 by: Alexander Jernejcic

        52886 by: eric yu
        52889 by: Peter Samuel
        52926 by: Peter Samuel
        52933 by: eric yu
        52934 by: Peter Samuel

user not receiving email.
        52887 by: eric yu
        52888 by: Charles Cazabon
        52890 by: Peter Samuel
        52928 by: Peter Samuel
        52930 by: eric yu
        52931 by: Peter Samuel
        52935 by: eric yu
        52936 by: Peter Samuel
        52938 by: Peter Samuel

CRON mailings
        52891 by: Paul Fontenot
        52893 by: Peter Samuel
        52895 by: Peter Samuel
        52896 by: Brian Reichert
        52898 by: Paul Fontenot
        52903 by: Peter Samuel

qmailanalog + qmailmrtg
        52894 by: Yamin Prabudy
        52897 by: Alex Khanin
        52914 by: PD Miller

Re: Strange problem with Maildir delivery - partial solution
        52901 by: Peter Schuller

        52910 by: Erwin Hoffmann

        52911 by: Andras K.

html log evaluation
        52912 by: Clemens Hermann

Qmail domain...
        52913 by: Javier Morquecho Morquecho
        52917 by: Kris Kelley
        52919 by: Henning Brauer

checkpassword problem with large amounts of mail
        52915 by: drew.ricshaw.com.au
        52920 by: markd.bushwire.net

        52921 by: Chris Olson
        52922 by: markd.bushwire.net
        52923 by: Chris Johnson
        52924 by: Chris Olson
        52925 by: markd.bushwire.net
        52927 by: Ben Beuchler
        52942 by: Henning Brauer
        52943 by: Ben Beuchler
        52952 by: Piotr Kasztelowicz

Help : POP3 connect from unknown@ []
        52932 by: qaz '

        52937 by: Paul Fontenot
        52939 by: Chris Johnson
        52940 by: Peter Samuel
        52941 by: markd.bushwire.net

Henning Brauer's reply
        52944 by: Chris Olson
        52946 by: Andy Bradford
        52947 by: Chris Olson
        52950 by: Ian Lance Taylor

        52945 by: suresh

Logs using & getmail/fetchmail
        52948 by: Andy KKS
        52949 by: CHIU, Jonathan
        52953 by: Robin S. Socha

any experts - Checkpoppasswd logging
        52951 by: qaz '

pop3 question??
        52954 by: tag

Re: Another idiot who doesn't know how to make smtpd work
        52955 by: Joost van Baal

Please Help me: supervise:fatal
        52956 by: Ould


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now I have been using qmail for several months and I am quite satisfied. I
change my server HW and for this and some other reasons I reinstall my
System from scratch (FreeBSD 4.2).
I have been digging around in the qmail.org page to find out which
patches are needed for me. I was really overwhelmed and I do not really
know much more than before ;-).
So my question is: Which patches should one not miss. 
I will make things as described in LWQ and I would appreciate it if I
could patch things during installation so that I do not have to apply
patches when the system is in use but I do not know which combination I
should use and (even more imortant): which combination works?
I know, depends on my needs ;-). Hmmm, I plan the following things:

POP3/SMTP (no imap, no qmtp)
smtp-after-pop and smtp-auth
tarpiting RBL
vmailmgr / omail-admin
(if possible) POP3/smtp ssl optional

that's it ;-)
The load will be low.

Are there any hints which patches should be applied in general not
to be sorry some weeks later.

Thanks in andvance


Clemens Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>So my question is: Which patches should one not miss. 

I don't install any patches unless I know I need them. Only two of the
dozens of qmails I've installed have been patched:

  - my list server has the big-concurrency patch, and
  - a pop/imap/smtp server I installed for a customer required the
    AUTH and STARTLS patches.

>POP3/SMTP (no imap, no qmtp)

No patches required.

>smtp-after-pop and smtp-auth

Requires AUTH patch (I recommend Krzysztof Dabrowski's patch) and
open-smtp add-on.

>tarpiting RBL

Probably requires a patch, but I've never done this.

>vmailmgr / omail-admin
>(if possible) POP3/smtp ssl optional

These are all add-ons unless I'm mistaken.



I have qmail running via inetd and want to use the relayctrl stuff - so need
to use tcpserver instead - but I cant find any documentation in qmail for
using it under tcpserver

any help + pointers please


Neil Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have qmail running via inetd and want to use the relayctrl stuff - so need
> to use tcpserver instead - but I cant find any documentation in qmail for
> using it under tcpserver

You might want to read Dave Sill's "Life with qmail".  It describes how to set
up a particular kind of tcpserver-based qmail system.  You could apply some
of his setup & configuration to your own system.

You can find pointers to the above at www.qmail.org.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

At 2:26 PM +0000 11/27/00, Neil Grant wrote:
>I have qmail running via inetd and want to use the relayctrl stuff - so need
>to use tcpserver instead - but I cant find any documentation in qmail for
>using it under tcpserver
>any help + pointers please

Have you looked in /var/qmail/doc/FAQ, section 5?

Life with qmail (linked off the qmail.org page) is also very good.


signat-url: http://www2.potsdam.edu/dctm/prescor/signat-url.htm
cubiclecam: http://digirom.potsdam.edu/~prescor/cubiclecam.html
    ^^^ <--- Off-line unless someone knows how to get camserv to
             compile under RedHat 7...  *sigh*  :-(

went through Dave Sill's "Life with qmail"  and have ended up with a very
non working qmail system

in /var/log/qmail/current:
@400000003a22b5be2fde3044 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

in /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current there are tonnes of entries:
@400000003a22b5be3320091c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already
@400000003a22b5bf0138cc2c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already

what has happened to the dates - the tests on dates in daemontools worked?

when I try to get my mail via pop3 there are no errors
on an inject (1st one in test.deliver) I get:

@400000003a22b79f011ff0e4 starting delivery 4: msg 99187 to local
@400000003a22b79f01228cdc status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@400000003a22b79f012724a4 end msg 99190
@400000003a22b79f01ab2d6c delivery 4: failure:

whats have I missed?


Neil Grant

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Qmail mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: changing to tcpserver

> Neil Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have qmail running via inetd and want to use the relayctrl stuff - so
> > to use tcpserver instead - but I cant find any documentation in qmail
> > using it under tcpserver
> You might want to read Dave Sill's "Life with qmail".  It describes how to
> up a particular kind of tcpserver-based qmail system.  You could apply
> of his setup & configuration to your own system.
> You can find pointers to the above at www.qmail.org.
> Charles
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sorry, got the bind error sorted (I think), I hadnt disbled smtp in the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Qmail mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: changing to tcpserver

> went through Dave Sill's "Life with qmail"  and have ended up with a very
> non working qmail system
> in /var/log/qmail/current:
> @400000003a22b5be2fde3044 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
> in /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current there are tonnes of entries:
> @400000003a22b5be3320091c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address
> used
> @400000003a22b5bf0138cc2c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address
> used
> .....................
> also
> what has happened to the dates - the tests on dates in daemontools worked?
> when I try to get my mail via pop3 there are no errors
> on an inject (1st one in test.deliver) I get:
> ....
> @400000003a22b79f011ff0e4 starting delivery 4: msg 99187 to local
> 'cat_/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery'@.....
> @400000003a22b79f01228cdc status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
> @400000003a22b79f012724a4 end msg 99190
> @400000003a22b79f01ab2d6c delivery 4: failure:
> Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
> .....
> whats have I missed?
> thanks
> Neil Grant
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Qmail mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 2:31 PM
> Subject: Re: changing to tcpserver
> > Neil Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have qmail running via inetd and want to use the relayctrl stuff -
> need
> > > to use tcpserver instead - but I cant find any documentation in qmail
> for
> > > using it under tcpserver
> >
> > You might want to read Dave Sill's "Life with qmail".  It describes how
> set
> > up a particular kind of tcpserver-based qmail system.  You could apply
> some
> > of his setup & configuration to your own system.
> >
> > You can find pointers to the above at www.qmail.org.
> >
> > Charles
> > --
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> > Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >

Neil Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> went through Dave Sill's "Life with qmail"  and have ended up with a very
> non working qmail system
> also
> what has happened to the dates - the tests on dates in daemontools worked?

The dates are in TAI64N format.  Pipe the log through `tai64nlocal` to convert
them to human-readable format.
> when I try to get my mail via pop3 there are no errors
> on an inject (1st one in test.deliver) I get:
> ....
> @400000003a22b79f011ff0e4 starting delivery 4: msg 99187 to local
> 'cat_/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery'@.....
> @400000003a22b79f01228cdc status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
> @400000003a22b79f012724a4 end msg 99190
> @400000003a22b79f01ab2d6c delivery 4: failure:
> Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
> .....
> whats have I missed?

I don't actually use Dave Sill's setup, but I would guess that in your
qmail rc/startup script, you have put single quotes where there should be
backticks (i.e. "`") -- therefore, instead of using the _contents_ of
/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery for the default delivery argument to
qmail-start, you're using that garbage above.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

"Neil Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>went through Dave Sill's "Life with qmail"  and have ended up with a very
>non working qmail system

Sorry to hear that.

>in /var/log/qmail/current:
>@400000003a22b5be2fde3044 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

That's normal.

>in /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current there are tonnes of entries:
>@400000003a22b5be3320091c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already
>@400000003a22b5bf0138cc2c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already

That means something is already listening to port 25, e.g., sendmail,
inetd, or another tcpserver. Did you disable your previous mailer?
What happens when you do:

  telnet 0 25

>what has happened to the dates - the tests on dates in daemontools

Nothing. That's the format the timestamps use. Use tai64nlocal to
convert them to local time.

>when I try to get my mail via pop3 there are no errors

That's good, right?

>on an inject (1st one in test.deliver) I get:
>@400000003a22b79f011ff0e4 starting delivery 4: msg 99187 to local
>@400000003a22b79f01228cdc status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
>@400000003a22b79f012724a4 end msg 99190
>@400000003a22b79f01ab2d6c delivery 4: failure:
>whats have I missed?

Oops, you botch the /var/qmail/rc. You have:

  qmail-start "'cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery'"

but you should have:

  qmail-start "`cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery`"

(Note: ` vs ')

I recommend copying and pasting the scripts, rather than typing them
in by hand. Unless you're in Florida, in which case, entering manually
is more accurate.


> The dates are in TAI64N format.  Pipe the log through `tai64nlocal` to
> them to human-readable format.

can I get them stored 'human-readable'?

my /var/log/qmail is filling up with:

2000-11-27 20:29:02.459841500
2000-11-27 20:29:02.499436500
2000-11-27 20:29:02.605017500
2000-11-27 20:29:02.660847500




On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 14:06:03 EST, Dave Sill wrote:

> I recommend copying and pasting the scripts, rather than typing them
> in by hand. Unless you're in Florida, in which case, entering manually
> is more accurate.

ROTFLOL!!!  This has got to be one of the best Florida jokes I have 
seen. :-)


Neil Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Charles Cazabon wrote:
> > The dates are in TAI64N format.  Pipe the log through `tai64nlocal` to
> > convert them to human-readable format.
> can I get them stored 'human-readable'?

Not easily.  However, it's simple to do
`tai64nlocal </path/to/log/current | less` to read the logs with human-readable
timestamps.  Or set up a little shellscript to do just this.

> my /var/log/qmail is filling up with:
> 2000-11-27 20:29:02.459841500
> PATH=/var/qmail/bin:/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin 2000-11-27
> 20:29:02.499436500
> PATH=/var/qmail/bin:/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin 2000-11-27
> 20:29:02.605017500
> PATH=/var/qmail/bin:/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin 2000-11-27
> 20:29:02.660847500
> PATH=/var/qmail/bin:/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ...
> why?

Not sure.  You appear to be echoing $PATH everytime some frequent operation
occurs.  Perhaps it is another artifact of incorrectly copying Dave Sill's
rc script.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

got it working -  I had commented out the old qmail line with the " and ' in
made a new one using:
 qmail-start ./Mailbox

then it got onfused by the commenting out part way through a command - I
presume the \ mean that the command continues on the nex line?

many thanks


so now my nice working qmail system is running via tcpserver it has lots of
extra process's and more root ones

root     11495  0.0  0.5  1088  324 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00 supervise
root     11497  0.0  0.5  1088  324 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00 supervise
qmails   11503  0.0  0.6  1140  396 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00 qmail-send
qmaill   11509  0.0  0.5  1100  324 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
qmaild   11523  0.0  0.7  1152  468 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00
root     11534  0.0  0.5  1100  348 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00 qmail-lspawn
qmailr   11535  0.0  0.5  1100  356 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq   11536  0.0  0.5  1092  352 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00 qmail-clean
qmaill   11537  0.0  0.5  1100  324 pts/1    S    Nov27   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd


root     20244  1.9  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:42   0:17 supervise
root     20246  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:19 supervise var
root     20247  2.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise tmp
root     20249  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise dev
root     20250  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise usr
root     20251  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise etc
root     20252  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:19 supervise bin
root     20253  2.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise
root     20254  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise
root     20255  2.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:17 supervise lib
root     20256  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise mnt
root     20257  2.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:18 supervise opt
root     20258  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:19 supervise
root     20259  2.2  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:19 supervise
root     20260  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:19 supervise
root     20261  2.1  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    00:42   0:19 supervise
root     28429  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     28430  0.2  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     30622  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     30777  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     30956  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     31016  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     31136  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise opt
root     31151  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise bin
root     31152  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise lib
root     31153  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise
root     31154  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise
root     31155  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise
root     31156  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise usr
root     31157  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise etc
root     31158  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    00:57   0:00 [supervise
root     31161  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise
root     31162  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise dev
root     31163  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    00:57   0:00 supervise var

are running

urely these shouldnt all be running can I get rid of most this? they appear
when I start qmail with Dave's script and then dont go away

Neil Grant

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Qmail mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: changing to tcpserver

> got it working -  I had commented out the old qmail line with the " and '
> made a new one using:
>  qmail-start ./Mailbox
> then it got onfused by the commenting out part way through a command - I
> presume the \ mean that the command continues on the nex line?
> many thanks
> Neil

Am Dienstag, 28. November 2000 01:01 schrieb Neil Grant:
> so now my nice working qmail system is running via tcpserver it has lots of
> extra process's and more root ones

Oh my god, they killed kenney....

Obviously you started svscan in /, so LOTS of useless supervises around. 
check you startup-scripts for svscan and make sure that there is exactly (!) 
1 call, 'svscan /service &', and _nothing_ else. Then reboot. Much esier to 
kill tons of supervise and svcscan processes...

You _could_ have seen that while looking on supervise opt, supervise usr, 
supervise var and so son, couldn't you?


Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS      |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  20459 Hamburg
www.bsws.de            |  Germany

thats what I thought it was, and it was
an end of line had crept into the middle of the line calling svscan in

I still have two lines:
root      1755  0.5  0.5  1088  324 ?        S    02:05   0:00 supervise
root      4167  0.0  0.5  1088  324 ?        R    02:05   0:00 supervise
why not one but hopefully thats fine


----- Original Message -----
From: "Henning Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Neil Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Qmail mailing list"
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: changing to tcpserver

> Am Dienstag, 28. November 2000 01:01 schrieb Neil Grant:
> > so now my nice working qmail system is running via tcpserver it has lots
> > extra process's and more root ones
> Oh my god, they killed kenney....
> Obviously you started svscan in /, so LOTS of useless supervises around.
> check you startup-scripts for svscan and make sure that there is exactly
> 1 call, 'svscan /service &', and _nothing_ else. Then reboot. Much esier
> kill tons of supervise and svcscan processes...
> You _could_ have seen that while looking on supervise opt, supervise usr,
> supervise var and so son, couldn't you?
> --
> Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
> Hostmaster BSWS      |  Roedingsmarkt 14
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  20459 Hamburg
> www.bsws.de            |  Germany

I need reason for this situation...

We are connected to our Internet Provider by Wave lan....

We have one router ( Linux ) with static IP adress This router is
connected to our local net and doing masquerade.

On this router is running Qmail. I need that this router forward every mail
for domain.sk to server in our local net...

In FAQs i find that i can use smtproutes but there is writed that i must
disable smtp in inetd.conf. I think that is not correct.

How can router receive mail for forward, if hesn't able to receive mail from
outside.... Can you anyone help me ????


Daniel POGAC
Tech. Support
TatraSoft Group s.r.o
Sibirska 4
83102 Bratislava
tel: +421-7-55574033
fax: +421-7-55566385

Hallo all,
I like to forward a Address in the form [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a .qmail
File. So I created the file .qmail-j:g: but it doesn´t work. Message
comes back with "Sorry no mailbox here by that name" What went
wrong? How can I handle that? I´m using qmail 1.03 and vpopmail 4.9.4


At 4:02 PM +0100 11/27/00, Hans-Juergen Schwarz wrote:
>Hallo all,
>I like to forward a Address in the form [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a .qmail
>File. So I created the file .qmail-j:g: but it doesn´t work. Message
>comes back with "Sorry no mailbox here by that name" What went
>wrong? How can I handle that? I´m using qmail 1.03 and vpopmail 4.9.4

The CONTENTS of the .qmail file should be the address to which you
want to forward mail and nothing else (assuming you aren't already
using a .qmail file for something else).

The NAME of the .qmail file is just that: .qmail

For example, if I have an account [EMAIL PROTECTED] and want all mail
delivered to [EMAIL PROTECTED] auto-forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would
create a .qmail file in user's Home Directory called .qmail, the
contents of which is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" on a single line (no quotes).


REFERENCE:  # man dot-qmail or http://www.qmail.org/man/man9/dot-qmail.html
ALSO: http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html#dot-qmail-files


signat-url: http://www2.potsdam.edu/dctm/prescor/signat-url.htm
cubiclecam: http://digirom.potsdam.edu/~prescor/cubiclecam.html
    ^^^ <--- Off-line unless someone knows how to get camserv to
             compile under RedHat 7...  *sigh*  :-(


I'm using qmail, VMailMgr, Courier-IMAP and PHP on my RedHat 7.0 box. The system is 
based on virtual user accounts, with Maildir.

Are there any known issues with attachments/parts using this combination? The reason I 
ask is that I have a PHP-script that open up a mailbox and read a message, but the 
attachments can not be identified correctly, at least not in the same way they could 
before (before I installed vmailmgr or did something else I've forgot). The same 
script works fine on another server using other mail-stuff.

For example, $part->disposition never seem to contain anything, and in particular it 
doesn't contain "ATTACHMENT" as it's supposed to do.

Pine and other mail readers can still see all the attachments correctly, so I guess it 
after all _IS_ something wrong with my script but since it works on other servers it's 
weird that it is not on this...

Any help would be appreciated.

Johan Björk


how use I masquarading with qmail. I want send mail from our qmail-server 
(placed in the dmz) to an MS Exchangeserver in our lan.
Our lan uses not routable IPadresses (192.168.x.x).


INTERNOLIX   Standards for eBusiness

Ruprecht Helms

Weiherstr. 20                    Tel: +49-[0]7533-9945-71
78465 Konstanz                   Fax: +49-[0]7533-9945-79


Ruprecht Helms wrote:
>how use I masquarading with qmail. I want send mail from our qmail-server
>(placed in the dmz) to an MS Exchangeserver in our lan.
>Our lan uses not routable IPadresses (192.168.x.x).
it's a common (and, btw., wise) setup, to hide exchangeservers from the
internet, using a qmail box as mailhub.
you may A: set up rules on your firewall, permitting non masqueraded
traffic between your qmail-server and your exchangeserver
or B: set up port forwarding on your firewall, for port 25 of your
and do not forget some routing on the gateway or firewall
pointing to your exchangeserver
last you might want to put routing entries into
~/qmail/control/smtproutes if routing for whole domains is
what you want to do...


Dear list,

Does anyone know wht the "D" stands for under /var/qmail/queue/local??
My problem is that let say a local recipient is [EMAIL PROTECTED] So inside the queue, 
it should have an info/1/1, local/1/1, and the mess/1/1.
However the local/1/1 state the following strange pattern:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@machine_name.com

This drive my crazy, does anyone experience such strange queue or anything I've done 

Your help is highly appreciated.

(p.s. Pls reply to this message since I'm not in the list)
thanks and regards,

Get your free email from http://freemail.asiamail.com

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:

> Dear list,
> Does anyone know wht the "D" stands for under /var/qmail/queue/local??
> My problem is that let say a local recipient is [EMAIL PROTECTED] So inside the 
>queue, it should have an info/1/1, local/1/1, and the mess/1/1.
> However the local/1/1 state the following strange pattern:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@machine_name.com

qmail-queue creates the local and remote recipient envelope addresses in


The format of these files is:


when qmail-send successfully delivers one of these messages, it marks
the relevant recipent as delivered by replacing the 'T' with a 'D'.
So, if the messages had been successfully sent to both
to@someuser and yet@anotheruser, but not to to@someotheruser, the file
would look like:


So, in your case, as the file is in the local part of the queue I can only
assume that both domain.com and machine_name.com are both local delivery
domains and that the first recipient has been delivered successfully,
but the second recipient has been deferred or delivery has not been
attempted yet.

There are many reasons for the deferral. Obvious reasons include group
and/or other write permissions on the user's home directory and/or
.qmail file. Whatever the reason, they'll be mentioned in the qmail

What do the logs say (TM)?

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:28:55 -0500 (EST)
> To: eric yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: HELP!!

[ copy of my original reply deleted ]

Please don't copy irrelevant information in your reply.

Please use a mail reader that wraps lines at less than 80 characters
(otherwise it's very hard to read your replies).

Also, please reply to the list too - that way you'll have lots more
people to examine your problem and hence a better chance of seeing a

> > What do the logs say (TM)?
> Problem_getting_user_maildrop_****@machine_name.com

Please don't sanitise your logs. We need to see the timestamps and
other information from qmail-send; eg here's a complete message log:

975372810.674940 new msg 98664
975372810.675125 info msg 98664: bytes 2881 from
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 17474 uid 401
975372810.676295 starting delivery 35860: msg 98664 to local
975372810.676317 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
975372810.683113 delivery 35860: success: did_1+0+0/
975372810.683232 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
975372810.683342 end msg 98664

> The strange thing is that the original mail should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
>was sent successfully.
> But qmail has sent an additional ****@machine_name.com, which I dont have this 
>****'s mailbox. Do you know why qmail sent the original message to 
>****@machine_name.com?? or is the sender a spammer??

What is your default delivery mechanism (ie what are the arguments
after qmail-start in your startup script?

Does this user have a .qmail file, and if so what does it look like.

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

> What is your default delivery mechanism (ie what are the arguments
> after qmail-start in your startup script?
> Does this user have a .qmail file, and if so what does it look like.

no, actually when I do /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread:

27 Nov 2000 14:10:48 GMT  #82186  1404  <sender>
  done  local   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        local   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The original mail should be *ONLY* send to user, so Unknown_user is not suppose to be 
in my user list.

thanks and regards,


Get your free email from http://freemail.asiamail.com

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:

> > What is your default delivery mechanism (ie what are the arguments
> > after qmail-start in your startup script?
> > 
> > Does this user have a .qmail file, and if so what does it look like.
> no, actually when I do /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread:
> 27 Nov 2000 14:10:48 GMT  #82186  1404  <sender>
>   done  local   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         local   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The original mail should be *ONLY* send to user, so Unknown_user is not suppose to 
>be in my user list.

This looks suspiciously like your weird smtpd program is trying to
also deliver to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you can fix the smtpd
program (ie make it qmail-smtpd) then all should be well.

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

Dear list,

I had a user named eric that doesn't receive email. Can anyone give me some 

Inside /var/qmail/control/locals, I had my_domain.com as localhost.

and inside /var/qmail/users/assign file, I had:

and the .qmail file in my home directory is:

and Mailbox was symlink to /var/spool/mail/eric which has permission 600

Any help is highly appreciated.

(ps. please reply to this email)
thanks and regards,

Get your free email from http://freemail.asiamail.com

eric yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had a user named eric that doesn't receive email. Can anyone give me some
> suggestion??
> Inside /var/qmail/control/locals, I had my_domain.com as localhost.

In the future, please don't obfusate your domain names.  Post the real

> and the .qmail file in my home directory is:
> /home/eric/Mailbox
> and Mailbox was symlink to /var/spool/mail/eric which has permission 600

What does `ls -l /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mail/eric` show?  
Probably eric doesn't actually own this mbox file.  qmail won't deliver to
this then.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:

> Dear list,
> I had a user named eric that doesn't receive email. Can anyone give me some 

What do the logs say? (TM)

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:

> > > Dear Peter,
> > > 
> > > Thanks for the response.
> > > It doesnt show any log, because when I telnet localhost 25:
> > > 
> > > mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > ok
> > > rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 550 sorry, no such user
> > 
> > That is NOT a qmail-smtpd error message. Do you still have sendmail running?
> no, I'm sure I dont have sendmail running.
> > If not, what SMTP daemon are you running?
> I should have qmail-smtpd running;
> ps auwx|grep qmail-smtpd
> root     28146  0.0  0.0  1088  324 ?        S    Nov06   0:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
> root      7504  0.0  0.0  1364  524 pts/1    S    00:53   0:00 grep qmail-smtpd

That doesn't prove it is the process listening on port 25. There is NO
occurrence of the string "550" or "no such user" in the qmail source.
qmail-smtpd doesn't know (or care) about users.

How are you starting qmail-smtpd (show us the script).

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

> That doesn't prove it is the process listening on port 25. There is NO
> occurrence of the string "550" or "no such user" in the qmail source.
> qmail-smtpd doesn't know (or care) about users.
> How are you starting qmail-smtpd (show us the script).

I'm using svscan (daemontool 0.70) to look after my qmail. The startup script for 
qmail-smtpd as shown below:


# This is the run file for supervise to execute qmail-smtpd.

USERID=`id -u qmaild`
GROUPID=`id -g qmaild`
SOFTLIMIT=/usr/local/bin/softlimit TCPSERVER=/usr/local/bin/tcpserver 

        -u $USERID -g $GROUPID 0 $PORT $QMAILHOME/bin/$COMMAND 2>&1

thanks and regards,


Get your free email from http://freemail.asiamail.com

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:
> #!/bin/sh
> # This is the run file for supervise to execute qmail-smtpd.
> QMAILHOME=/var/qmail
> USERID=`id -u qmaild`
> GROUPID=`id -g qmaild`
> COMMAND=qmail-smtpd
> PORT=smtp
> BYTESIZE=2000000        
> SOFTLIMIT=/usr/local/bin/softlimit TCPSERVER=/usr/local/bin/tcpserver 
>         -u $USERID -g $GROUPID 0 $PORT $QMAILHOME/bin/$COMMAND 2>&1

It looks OK.

Do the following

    telnet localhost 25

In another window, run 

        ps auxww | grep smtpd

That will show which smtpd daemon is running.

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

>       ps auxww | grep smtpd
> That will show which smtpd daemon is running.

ps auwx|grep qmail-smtpd
root     28146  0.0  0.0  1088  324 ?        S    Nov06   0:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
qmaild   14488  0.0  0.0  1572  440 ?        S    01:40   0:00 


Get your free email from http://freemail.asiamail.com

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, eric yu wrote:

> >     ps auxww | grep smtpd
> > 
> > That will show which smtpd daemon is running.
> ps auwx|grep qmail-smtpd
> root     28146  0.0  0.0  1088  324 ?        S    Nov06   0:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
> qmaild   14488  0.0  0.0  1572  440 ?        S    01:40   0:00 

But the smtpd session you showed before was NOT qmail-smtpd. Do it
again and show us the whole session:

    telnet 25
    helo bozo
    mail from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    rcpt to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Peter Samuel wrote:
> But the smtpd session you showed before was NOT qmail-smtpd. Do it
> again and show us the whole session:
>     telnet 25
>     helo bozo
>     help
>     mail from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     rcpt to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     quit

On the assumption that the machine in question is ws2.us.outblaze.com,
I've just done the test myself:

    telnet ws2.us.outblaze.com 25
    Connected to ws2.us.outblaze.com.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 ws2.us.outblaze.com ESMTP
    214 qmail home page: http://pobox.com/~djb/qmail.html
    mail from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    250 ok
    rcpt to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    550 sorry, no such user here
    221 ws2.us.outblaze.com
    Connection closed by foreign host.

It says it's qmail-smtpd, and it behaves like qmail-smtpd, but it
ain't. Try recompiling qmail-smtpd and see if that changes things.

What patches, if any, are you using?

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

I have several scripts that run and mail the output to root for analyses.
These scripts were using a line such as:

cron_job | mail -s "Log file output" root

I think I must have missed something in the docs, since making the change
to tcpserver, qmail and Maildir from postfix I know get none of these
mailings and when run from the command line I receive these errors:

send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory

I read the docs that come with qmail and tried the mailx command on my
system, as suggested by the docs, but I receive the same. Any help would
be great.


On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Paul Fontenot wrote:

> I have several scripts that run and mail the output to root for analyses.
> These scripts were using a line such as:
> cron_job | mail -s "Log file output" root
> I think I must have missed something in the docs, since making the change
> to tcpserver, qmail and Maildir from postfix I know get none of these
> mailings and when run from the command line I receive these errors:
> send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory

mail is obviously trying to call a postfix executable (or it might be
a postfix executable itself. Change the cron jobs to:

    cron_job | /var/qmail/bin/mailsubj "Log file output" root

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Paul Fontenot wrote:

> I have several scripts that run and mail the output to root for analyses.
> These scripts were using a line such as:

It might also be a good idea to have a functioning return address.
Here's what I saw when I replied to your first message:

    Hi. This is the qmail-send program at pitbull-productions.com.
    I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
    This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

    Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 09:46:21AM -0800, Paul Fontenot wrote:
> I have several scripts that run and mail the output to root for analyses.
> These scripts were using a line such as:
> cron_job | mail -s "Log file output" root
> I think I must have missed something in the docs, since making the change
> to tcpserver, qmail and Maildir from postfix I know get none of these
> mailings and when run from the command line I receive these errors:
> send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory
> I read the docs that come with qmail and tried the mailx command on my
> system, as suggested by the docs, but I receive the same. Any help would
> be great.

I would infer that, when cron runs, the first program named 'mail'
in your path, is the postfix-related front-end.

> -Paul

Brian 'you Bastard' Reichert            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
37 Crystal Ave. #303                    Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1713 USA                 Intel architecture: the left-hand path

You are the man. Made those changes and everything is working like a


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Paul Fontenot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: CRON mailings

> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Paul Fontenot wrote:
> > I have several scripts that run and mail the output to root for
> > These scripts were using a line such as:
> >
> > cron_job | mail -s "Log file output" root
> >
> > I think I must have missed something in the docs, since making the
> > to tcpserver, qmail and Maildir from postfix I know get none of these
> > mailings and when run from the command line I receive these errors:
> >
> > send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory
> mail is obviously trying to call a postfix executable (or it might be
> a postfix executable itself. Change the cron jobs to:
>     cron_job | /var/qmail/bin/mailsubj "Log file output" root
> --
> Regards
> Peter
> ----------
> Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com
> Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
> e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada
> "If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Paul Fontenot wrote:

> You are the man. Made those changes and everything is working like a
> champ.

One of many. Glad to hear it works now.

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

Did anyone compile qmail-mrtg-1.0 from Sean ?
where can i get the /var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current -> how can i generate
this file so the qmail-mrtg program can read it ?

I used Sean Truman qmailmrtg script and seems like in qmail-mrtg.c had some
problem in strncmp should be strcmp.

Thanks in Advance

Hash: SHA1

> Did anyone compile qmail-mrtg-1.0 from Sean ?
> where can i get the /var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current -> how can i
> generate this file so the qmail-mrtg program can read it ?
> I used Sean Truman qmailmrtg script and seems like in qmail-mrtg.c
> had some problem in strncmp should be strcmp.

you need to use mutlilog from daemontools. 
it will be able to generate those log files for qmail-mrtg
to use.
> Thanks in Advance


Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <http://www.pgp.com>


At 0:08 +0700 28/11/00, Yamin Prabudy wrote:
>I used Sean Truman qmailmrtg script and seems like in qmail-mrtg.c had some
>problem in strncmp should be strcmp.

You're right. Looking at the code, there is no reason for the strncmp 
calls and chonging them to strcmp does make it work. Overall, you may 
find it roll your own and make your own mrtg monitoring scripts as 
there are some holes in  qmail-mrtg that make it a bit inaccurate on 
busy sites.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


> This isn't entirely consistent with what you're describing, but the fact that
> you backed up and restored /var suggests that you may have screwed up the
> permissions on your trigger. See http://web.infoave.net/~dsill/lwq.html#trigger

Thanks! That did the trick. It lacked g+w/o+w. Now I just have to figure out
why rsynch didn't preserve these permissions...

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://scode.infidyne.com

Hello everybody,

due to a bug in the logging E-mails with an originator having MAIL FROM:
with invalid MX-Record, SPAMCONTROL 1.4.0 may eventually yield a
qmail-smtpd crash (segmentation fault) depending on your logging scheme.

The bug was already introduced in version 1.1.0 but became apparent just now.

For SPAMCONTROL users of version 1.4.0: There is must to upgrade to version

For SPAMCONTROL users applying version 1.3.0 and earlier: Please upgrade to
1.3.1 although the bug does not harm your system.

There is an enhanced version of SPAMCONTROL available (1.4.2) which does a
FAST EXIT of qmail-smtpd after an address was successfully matched against
those in the bad* control files.

Thanks to Charles Warwick and Antonio Moragues who reported the bug.


|  fff        hh         http://www.fehcom.de        Dr. Erwin Hoffmann |
| ff          hh                                                        |
| ff    eee   hhhh      ccc   ooo    mm mm  mm       Wiener Weg 8       |
| fff  ee ee  hh  hh   cc   oo   oo  mmm  mm  mm     50858 Koeln        |
| ff  ee eee  hh  hh  cc   oo     oo mm   mm  mm                        |
| ff  eee     hh  hh   cc   oo   oo  mm   mm  mm     Tel 0221 484 4923  |
| ff   eeee   hh  hh    ccc   ooo    mm   mm  mm     Fax 0221 484 4924  |



is there a package out there which produces qmail HTML-statistics from
the logfiles? I have had a look at qmailmrtg but it does not semm to be
what I am looking for.
I have several virtual mail-domains and the most importent number I need
is the complete traffic per virtual domain per month which passed my mailserver.
Furthermore it would be great to have some statistics like amount per
user, etc.
Something similar to webalizer but not for a websserver but for qmail.

thanks in advance 



        I'm using Qmail, In my mail client I have to put all the e-mail address,
some like [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I just have one domain, how can I tell
Qmail use just one domain???, I mean it ever use the "mail.com"
domain....and at the login screen I jus supply the name of the account..

Thanks in advance....

Ing. J@vier Morquecho Morquecho
Desarrollo de proyectos comerciales
Tel : 177-10-87
Cel : 177-00-87
e-mail                 : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-movil               : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Cedetel     : http://www.cedetel.com.mx

"#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb))    // Shakespeare"

> I'm using Qmail, In my mail client I have to put all the e-mail address,
> some like [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I just have one domain, how can I
> Qmail use just one domain???, I mean it ever use the "mail.com"
> domain....and at the login screen I jus supply the name of the account..

Your domain is "mail.com", and you want a message addressed to "user" to go
to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", correct?  If so, you need to create a "defaultdomain"
and/or a "defaulthost" file in your control directory (or at the very least
make sure you have the "me" file set correctly).

See the qmail-control and qmail-inject man pages for more info.

---Kris Kelley

Am Dienstag, 28. November 2000 01:00 schrieb Kris Kelley:

> > Qmail use just one domain???, I mean it ever use the "mail.com"
> > domain....and at the login screen I jus supply the name of the account..
> See the qmail-control and qmail-inject man pages for more info.

While the pointer to the docs is right, the right control file would be 
envnoathost here IMHO. 

> ---Kris Kelley


Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS      |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  20459 Hamburg
www.bsws.de            |  Germany

   The problem we are having maybe an easy fix I 
am not sure though. We have qmail-1.03 running on FreeBSD 4+ 
using checkpassword and this obviously means Maildir type mail 
boxes. The problem is that when we get large amounts
of mail, say more than 2000 messages, something 
bombs out and it will no longer authorise a pop user ie "The server 
has returned an error code indicating that the password/usrname 
that you supplied is incorrect". It works for all the accounts that 
only have small amounts of mail in the Maildir.


Andrew Toussaint          
Richardson-Shaw Pty Ltd 

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 10:59:11AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
>    The problem we are having maybe an easy fix I 
> am not sure though. We have qmail-1.03 running on FreeBSD 4+ 
> using checkpassword and this obviously means Maildir type mail 
> boxes. The problem is that when we get large amounts
> of mail, say more than 2000 messages, something 
> bombs out and it will no longer authorise a pop user ie "The server 
> has returned an error code indicating that the password/usrname 
> that you supplied is incorrect". It works for all the accounts that 
> only have small amounts of mail in the Maildir.

Are you sure the client is not just timing out due to qmail-pop3d taking
a long time to scan the Maildir?

Have you tried to log into your pop server manually with telnet? What
do you see?


How do I configure qmail to *NOT* use ORBS.org for spam filtering?  I
tried to remove the line in the startup scripts relating to ORBS, and
the SMTP server refuses to run without it.  I don't want to start a
flame war, but this outfit (ORBS) is blocking IP addresses unnecessarily
- please read the following that I received from Road Runner....... A rr
user tried to send email to a domain that I host and it bounced because
of ORBS and the 'HISTORY' outlined here.  I called Mark Herrick today
and talked to him directly on the phone.  This is how I found out that
qmail does this (uses ORBS) by default.  I *DO NOT* want my mail server
using this outfit to filter spam......Mark had to use a hotmail address
to contact me because of this 'filter' that ORBS has on their server.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Begin pasted message

Subject: jerland.com blocking rr.com/mediaone.net via ORBS
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 10:30:16 -0500
From: "W. Mark Herrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


We are currently experiencing problems delivering email to jerland.com.
is due to a manual block from the ORBS system of which jerland.com 
subscribes. Although we have a thorough anti-SPAM policy and properly 
address these issues, Road Runner has been manually added to the ORBS
due to a request we made to the ORBS administrators. (see HISTORY) With 
analysis and discussions with other providers, we believe that the
impact of 
the ORBS block is very minimal and easily corrected on a case-by-case
We are currently only hearing 1 or 2 reports per week from our entire 
customer base. We will take the information provided and work with each 
provider to correct it with them directly.

I can assure you that the IP address that ORBS is currently blocking is
no way an open relay, and that it is being blocked solely due to ORBS' 
testing servers being refused at our border routers. Road Runner takes
issue of open relay servers very seriously, and, in addition to
closing them as they are detected, performs proactive relay detection
on its own network. Likewise, Road Runner also takes the issue of 
unauthorized probes very seriously, and as such has taken steps to
potential abuse from outside sources. Many other major Internet Service 
providers, such as Above.net, have taken this stance along with us. You
wish to take a look at http://www.orbs.org/hallofshame.html to see who
is "spite listed" by the ORBS project.

ORBS is currently blocking Road Runner IP Addresses with a DNS "A"
record of - These are, according to the ORBS web site, considered 
"untestable netblock entries" (see HISTORY). ORBS has, however, recently 
made available a number of different "zones" that providers can
utilize to block unwanted SPAM mail from open relay sources, but that
not block those "untestable netblock entries" sites such as Road Runner, 
Above.Net, and Carnegie Mellon University.

More information regarding these "zones" can be found at 
http://www.orbs.org/usingindex.html - All that is necessary to make this 
change is to modify your mail server to query the ORBS database at 
"outputs.orbs.org" instead of "relays.orbs.org". This will NOT affect
amount of SPAM that your servers block, only the amount of false
that are affecting our combined users.

I would sincerely hope that you reconsider and/or restructure your use
the ORBS project. I can be directly reached at 703-345-2477 if you wish
discuss this further.

W. Mark Herrick, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      Operations Security Manager
     Team Lead - Usenet Operations
  Road Runner Security - 703.345.2477


Road Runner customers and Affiliates initially contacted us with a
issue. They were concerned with their privacy and security when an
entity (to them) began scanning them without permission. We initially
to address this case by case and later contacted the ORBS administrators
requested this unwelcome scanning terminated. This is analogous to
requesting they be removed from a list that they did not subscribe to.
this request, all Road Runner IP space was unexpectedly added to the
list with a public statement on the ORBS WWW site, as well as the bounce 
message which our subscriber has received. As scanning continued against
repeated requests, the individual ORBS scanning hosts were filtered out
our network.

Although we strongly believe in stopping SPAM on the Internet, as well
respect the initial work and charter ORBS has been under in the past, we 
have serious concerns at the current methods and actions that are taking 

- Scanning of private networks without permission from targets
- No REMOVE capability from the ORBS scanner
- When someone tries to stop or block the ORBS scans, they are blocked
- No warning, as well as false public statements about the individuals 
scanned or their provider. THAT IS: If you have a relay (known, or
to you) you are called a SPAM supporter publicly without any warning to 
correct it before ORBS adds you.
- Misinformation on ORBS' own web site
"What is ORBS? The short answer: ORBS is a validated database of open
relays and open mail relay output points, accessable via DNS lookup."
- The addition of Road Runner hosts to a database which are not listed
their normal web lookup at http://www.orbs.org/verify_1.html - this is 
deceptive to most end users.

Road Runner believes strongly in the fight against SPAM.  We have
address it 
with strong policies, enforcement and our own relay detection methods. 
will continue this effort, work together with other providers and the 
Internet community (including ORBS) to make a difference.  However, we 
reserve the right to assess the methods used, by whom and determine the
way to accomplish the desired results for our business.

At 04:35 PM 11/22/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> Not sure what this all means to me.  What are multiple open relays?  What is 
> a 451 and why is it untestable?  help

Thank you
kathy g.

----Transcript of session follows -------
451 untestable - rr.com has multiple open relays and its admins have 
demanded that ORBS not test further. Complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know what sort of qmail install you are running but qmail does run
without ORBS. In fact the default qmail does not have any ORBS testing. What
must have happened is that someone specifically added the ORBS test on
your server.

You need to tell us more about your system. Specifically the startup
script for qmail-smtpd. If it's done in the usual manner, then it's
a one line change.


> On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 06:28:42PM -0600, Chris Olson wrote:
> How do I configure qmail to *NOT* use ORBS.org for spam filtering?  I
> tried to remove the line in the startup scripts relating to ORBS, and
> the SMTP server refuses to run without it.  I don't want to start a
> flame war, but this outfit (ORBS) is blocking IP addresses unnecessarily
> - please read the following that I received from Road Runner....... A rr
> user tried to send email to a domain that I host and it bounced because
> of ORBS and the 'HISTORY' outlined here.  I called Mark Herrick today
> and talked to him directly on the phone.  This is how I found out that
> qmail does this (uses ORBS) by default.  I *DO NOT* want my mail server
> using this outfit to filter spam......Mark had to use a hotmail address
> to contact me because of this 'filter' that ORBS has on their server.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> --
> Chris
> Begin pasted message
> **************************************************
> Subject: jerland.com blocking rr.com/mediaone.net via ORBS
> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 10:30:16 -0500
> From: "W. Mark Herrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> We are currently experiencing problems delivering email to jerland.com.
> This 
> is due to a manual block from the ORBS system of which jerland.com 
> subscribes. Although we have a thorough anti-SPAM policy and properly 
> address these issues, Road Runner has been manually added to the ORBS
> list 
> due to a request we made to the ORBS administrators. (see HISTORY) With 
> analysis and discussions with other providers, we believe that the
> impact of 
> the ORBS block is very minimal and easily corrected on a case-by-case
> basis. 
> We are currently only hearing 1 or 2 reports per week from our entire 
> customer base. We will take the information provided and work with each 
> provider to correct it with them directly.
> I can assure you that the IP address that ORBS is currently blocking is
> in 
> no way an open relay, and that it is being blocked solely due to ORBS' 
> testing servers being refused at our border routers. Road Runner takes
> the 
> issue of open relay servers very seriously, and, in addition to
> immediately 
> closing them as they are detected, performs proactive relay detection
> checks 
> on its own network. Likewise, Road Runner also takes the issue of 
> unauthorized probes very seriously, and as such has taken steps to
> minimize 
> potential abuse from outside sources. Many other major Internet Service 
> providers, such as Above.net, have taken this stance along with us. You
> may 
> wish to take a look at http://www.orbs.org/hallofshame.html to see who
> else 
> is "spite listed" by the ORBS project.
> ORBS is currently blocking Road Runner IP Addresses with a DNS "A"
> record of 
> - These are, according to the ORBS web site, considered 
> "untestable netblock entries" (see HISTORY). ORBS has, however, recently 
> made available a number of different "zones" that providers can
> currently 
> utilize to block unwanted SPAM mail from open relay sources, but that
> will 
> not block those "untestable netblock entries" sites such as Road Runner, 
> Above.Net, and Carnegie Mellon University.
> More information regarding these "zones" can be found at 
> http://www.orbs.org/usingindex.html - All that is necessary to make this 
> change is to modify your mail server to query the ORBS database at 
> "outputs.orbs.org" instead of "relays.orbs.org". This will NOT affect
> the 
> amount of SPAM that your servers block, only the amount of false
> positives 
> that are affecting our combined users.
> I would sincerely hope that you reconsider and/or restructure your use
> of 
> the ORBS project. I can be directly reached at 703-345-2477 if you wish
> to 
> discuss this further.
> Sincerely,
> W. Mark Herrick, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       Operations Security Manager
>      Team Lead - Usenet Operations
>   Road Runner Security - 703.345.2477
> Road Runner customers and Affiliates initially contacted us with a
> security 
> issue. They were concerned with their privacy and security when an
> unknown 
> entity (to them) began scanning them without permission. We initially
> tried 
> to address this case by case and later contacted the ORBS administrators
> and 
> requested this unwelcome scanning terminated. This is analogous to
> someone 
> requesting they be removed from a list that they did not subscribe to.
> With 
> this request, all Road Runner IP space was unexpectedly added to the
> list with a public statement on the ORBS WWW site, as well as the bounce 
> message which our subscriber has received. As scanning continued against
> our 
> repeated requests, the individual ORBS scanning hosts were filtered out
> of 
> our network.
> Although we strongly believe in stopping SPAM on the Internet, as well
> as 
> respect the initial work and charter ORBS has been under in the past, we 
> have serious concerns at the current methods and actions that are taking 
> place:
> e.g.
> - Scanning of private networks without permission from targets
> - No REMOVE capability from the ORBS scanner
> - When someone tries to stop or block the ORBS scans, they are blocked
> by 
> - No warning, as well as false public statements about the individuals 
> scanned or their provider. THAT IS: If you have a relay (known, or
> unknown 
> to you) you are called a SPAM supporter publicly without any warning to 
> correct it before ORBS adds you.
> - Misinformation on ORBS' own web site
> (http://www.orbs.org/whatisthis.html) 
> "What is ORBS? The short answer: ORBS is a validated database of open
> mail 
> relays and open mail relay output points, accessable via DNS lookup."
> - The addition of Road Runner hosts to a database which are not listed
> via 
> their normal web lookup at http://www.orbs.org/verify_1.html - this is 
> deceptive to most end users.
> Road Runner believes strongly in the fight against SPAM.  We have
> address it 
> with strong policies, enforcement and our own relay detection methods. 
> We 
> will continue this effort, work together with other providers and the 
> Internet community (including ORBS) to make a difference.  However, we 
> reserve the right to assess the methods used, by whom and determine the
> best 
> way to accomplish the desired results for our business.
> At 04:35 PM 11/22/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> > Not sure what this all means to me.  What are multiple open relays?  What is 
> > a 451 and why is it untestable?  help
> Thank you
> kathy g.
> ----Transcript of session follows -------
> 451 untestable - rr.com has multiple open relays and its admins have 
> demanded that ORBS not test further. Complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *************************

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 06:28:42PM -0600, Chris Olson wrote:
> How do I configure qmail to *NOT* use ORBS.org for spam filtering?  I tried
> to remove the line in the startup scripts relating to ORBS, and the SMTP
> server refuses to run without it. 

There's no such thing as "the" line in the startup script relating to ORBS, and
nobody has any idea what your particular startup line looked like before or
what it looks like now.

Why don't you tell us?


Chris Johnson wrote:
> There's no such thing as "the" line in the startup script relating to ORBS, and
> nobody has any idea what your particular startup line looked like before or
> what it looks like now.

OK.  I assumed that all installations of qmail used this.  I'm running a
Corel Server Version (Debian) Linux box and qmail 1.03 came with the
distribution.  This is a fresh install and the script has not been
modified.  The startup script is /etc/init.d/qmail   Here's a copy of
the startup script for your review.

if [ -f /var/qmail/control/qmail_environment ]; then
QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
QMAILDGID=`id -g qmaild`

case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting qmail: qmail-send"
csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

killall  supervise > /dev/null
killall  tcpserver > /dev/null
supervise /var/lock/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser
qmaill accustamp | \
setuser qmaill cyclog -s5000000 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd &

echo  "."
echo -n "Stopping mail-transfer agent: qmail"
killall -TERM qmail-send

echo "."
        $0 stop
        $0 start
echo "Reloading 'locals' and 'virtualdomains' control files."
killall -HUP qmail-send
echo 'Usage: /etc/init.d/qmail {start|stop|restart|reload}'
exit 1
exit 0

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 07:01:20PM -0600, Chris Olson wrote:
> Chris Johnson wrote:
> > There's no such thing as "the" line in the startup script relating to ORBS, and
> > nobody has any idea what your particular startup line looked like before or
> > what it looks like now.
> OK.  I assumed that all installations of qmail used this.  I'm running a
> Corel Server Version (Debian) Linux box and qmail 1.03 came with the
> distribution.  This is a fresh install and the script has not been

Great. Yet more Frankinmail...

Change this line:

rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser


/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser

then restart.


On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 07:01:20PM -0600, Chris Olson wrote:

> OK.  I assumed that all installations of qmail used this.  I'm running a
> Corel Server Version (Debian) Linux box and qmail 1.03 came with the
> distribution.  This is a fresh install and the script has not been
> modified.  The startup script is /etc/init.d/qmail   Here's a copy of
> the startup script for your review.


> supervise /var/lock/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
> rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser

Two options: replace "-rrelays.orbs.org" with "-routputs.orbs.org" or
delete "rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org" from the line, leaving the rest

The first option would continue to give you the benefit of spam
filtering without blocking the 'manual list' and the second option would
remove RBL filtering entirely.


Ben Beuchler                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MAILER-DAEMON                                         (612) 321-9290 x101
Bitstream Underground                                   www.bitstream.net

Am Dienstag, 28. November 2000 02:01 schrieb Chris Olson:

> rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser
> qmaill accustamp | \
> setuser qmaill cyclog -s5000000 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd &

Sorry Chris,

how braindead are you? Is it really _so_ hard to see where orbs is used here? 
You should have read a least the documentation before wasting bandwidth and 
our time.

Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS      |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  20459 Hamburg
www.bsws.de            |  Germany

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 05:42:58AM +0100, Henning Brauer wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 28. November 2000 02:01 schrieb Chris Olson:
> > rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser
> > qmaill accustamp | \
> > setuser qmaill cyclog -s5000000 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd &
> Sorry Chris,
> how braindead are you? Is it really _so_ hard to see where orbs is used here? 
> You should have read a least the documentation before wasting bandwidth and 
> our time.


Ben Beuchler                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MAILER-DAEMON                                         (612) 321-9290 x101
Bitstream Underground                                   www.bitstream.net


On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I don't know what sort of qmail install you are running but qmail does run
> without ORBS. In fact the default qmail does not have any ORBS testing. What
> must have happened is that someone specifically added the ORBS test on
> your server.

A standard settings presented in /var/qmail/boot does not provide
using ORBS, also if you will chosen appropriate for your box/dir
format rc file, shall all be OK.

I has gone more wait and I had added to smtp settings on tcpserver


thus I have rejected all proofs of tests, if ORBS would perform

Best Wishes

Piotr Kasztelowicz                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


     I followed PaulGregg doc, and have setup single UID mail system.

     The only problem is , the checkpoppasswd log showing
     "checkpoppasswd: POP3 connect from unknown@ []"
     "checkpoppasswd: pop3checkpasswd: FAILED: qazaka - no such user from 

     Supposely, the log should show the IP, not "unknown".
     How can i solve it?
Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

What is the equivalent of the mailq command? Is it qmail-queue? And if so
can I just drop it in place of mailq in my scripts?


On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 06:53:03PM -0700, Paul Fontenot wrote:
> What is the equivalent of the mailq command? Is it qmail-queue? And if so
> can I just drop it in place of mailq in my scripts?

It's qmail-qread. On my systems I symlink /usr/bin/mailq to


On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Paul Fontenot wrote:

> What is the equivalent of the mailq command? Is it qmail-queue? And if so
> can I just drop it in place of mailq in my scripts?


You need root privileges (or qmailq really) to run it.

It's output format is VERY different from mailq.

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 09:07:03PM -0500, Peter Samuel wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Paul Fontenot wrote:
> > What is the equivalent of the mailq command? Is it qmail-queue? And if so
> > can I just drop it in place of mailq in my scripts?
>     /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
> You need root privileges (or qmailq really) to run it.

Which is why some people run it as a network service. Something like
this does the trick:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -u1008 -g1003 81 

Where 1008 is the uid of qmails and 1003 is the group id of qmail.

Then create a mailq command thusly:

cat <<EOD >/bin/mailq
#! /bin/sh
/usr/local/bin/tcpclient 801 sh -c 'exec /bin/cat -v <&6'

chmod a=rx /bin/mailq

By binding to 127. only local users can access the port. And they all get
access without needing any special permissions.


Henning Brauer wrote: 
> how braindead are you?

I believe I'm no more braindead than you are.  At least I have the
common courtesy to not post a derogatory statement like this on the
list, nor would I even send a private email to anyone containing a
statement like this.  Especially when the subject originated on a list
designed as a support forum and was relating to a question fielded to
that forum.

> Is it really _so_ hard to see where orbs is used here?

No.  It is not hard to see where it is used here.  If you had read my
original post you would have read that I removed this line and qmail
refused to run.  I didn't realize that the part in the line after orbs
was required to be there.

> You should have read a least the documentation before wasting bandwidth and
> our time.

I did read the documentation, but this was something I could not find
any documentation on, or else I didn't know where to look.  I found all
sorts of documentation on qmail configuration, but nothing on it's
startup scripts.  I happen to be new to the Linux OS, and new to qmail,
so please excuse my ignorance.

Is this list not a forum to ask questions and borrow on the collective
knowledge of a large group of experienced qmail users?  When I talked to
Mark Herrick today, he told me that qmail typically has this entry in
the startup script, but he didn't know where to find it (the script). 
He told me that removing the entry would fix the problem.  Well, I found
the script, removed the entry, and it fixed it all right - by disabling
the server.  So I put the entry back in so the server would run, and
started looking for information or documentation on why qmail would have
this in it in the first place.  I couldn't find very much, so I figured
a simple question to the list would get a helpful answer, which it did. 
I'm very grateful to the posters who took the time to answer my very
stupid, 'braindead' question.

I can assure you that I did not intend to waste yours or anybody else's
time, nor did I intend to waste list bandwidth.

And speaking of wasting bandwidth, why do you (and many others) reply to
list messages and the reply goes to both the list and to the original
poster's private email address?  Is it so hard to edit the original
poster's address out of the 'To:' headers after clicking your
'Reply-All' button?  Excuse me......I'm just a 'braindead' female, but
it seems that this shouldn't be so hard to do....... I do not need two
copies of the same message.......

Thus said Chris Olson on Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:28:26 CST:

> I believe I'm no more braindead than you are.  At least I have the
> common courtesy to not post a derogatory statement like this on the
> list, nor would I even send a private email to anyone containing a

Granted, it is pretty rude to send derogatory statements to the 
list---he/she was probably just having a bad day.  Maybe a good review 
of RFC 1855 would be in order. :-)

> I can assure you that I did not intend to waste yours or anybody else's
> time, nor did I intend to waste list bandwidth.

I for one did not think it was a waste of bandwidth, however, I must 
admit I did think it quite a trivial question---but, since you are new 
to qmail and linux and possibly the whole *NIX mentality I'm sure you 
have a handful.  Did you suddenly inherit someone else's job?

> And speaking of wasting bandwidth, why do you (and many others) reply to
> list messages and the reply goes to both the list and to the original
> poster's private email address?  Is it so hard to edit the original

Some people actually don't mind receiving two copies---I for one do 
not.  Some mailing lists tend to be slow and if I am in a hurry I 
appreciate the quick delivery of the message that was sent directly to 
my mailbox.  That is one of the reasons to use filters when 
participating on mailing lists.  Try setting 
mail-followup-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in your mail headers when posting to this list if you don't want a 
duplicate copy.  A few of the mailers on this list support it and the 
"reply-to-all" will usually do the Right Thing(tm).  (BTW, I'm risking 
getting flamed for mentioning this header...)

[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
 12:13am  up 26 days,  2:32,  5 users,  load average: 1.14, 1.27, 1.31

Andy Bradford wrote:

<snipped for brevity>
> to qmail and linux and possibly the whole *NIX mentality I'm sure you
> have a handful.  Did you suddenly inherit someone else's job?

Oh, I most certainly did.  Ask me anything you want to know about WIN NT
and I can answer your questions.  I'm brand new to UNIX, and I'm still
up studying at 1:30 AM and have to go to work tomorrow at 7:30AM.  Life
has not been fun this past two weeks....

Since we were on the subject of wasted bandwidth;  I've been reading
this thread about 'Secrets and lies' lately.  Exactly what purpose does
this subject serve on this list?

   Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 01:38:24 -0600
   From: Chris Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Since we were on the subject of wasted bandwidth;  I've been reading
   this thread about 'Secrets and lies' lately.  Exactly what purpose does
   this subject serve on this list?

There are probably lots of clever ways to answer that question, and
I'm not even sure just what you are asking, but I'll start by
providing the most basic possible answer: Secrets & Lies is a book by
Bruce Schneier:

It was discussed on this list because people were discussing just how
secure qmail really is, in particular with regards to Schneier's
recommendation of security audits.

Sorry if you were asking something else.


I have configured ldap-mysql,I am trying to setup qmailldap patch
I am trying to get started .
what db/tables do i need to create on the mysql ,are there any docs about
I am tryng to use the schema  from   ftp://ftp.eyeo.com/qmail/qmail.schema

thanx in advance
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Hi !
I know this is another "newbie" question,  but I still need help. I have now succesfully setup qmail, pop3 and smtp (both from qmail). Qmail has it's own logs, but I would also like that other two would be making logs. In FAQ of qmail is sample how to do this with snmp, but if I start it with that command line (see down), FreeBSD produces error, saying "Ambiguous output redirect." Please help me here. And I also need working commandline for POP3 server. Are there any scripts available that could browse wrror log and then produce just the error messages from it (to remove some of unecessary lines).
Ok problem number two is getmail (fetchmail alterantive for Maildir). Does anybody use this, is it reliable, are there any problems with it.
Thanks for you answer and for your patience with my silly questions.
Comandline starting smtp:
tcpserver -v -u 82 -g 81 0 snmp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &

I only comment the second question:
I am using getmail which get mails from a pop3 account.  I am happy with that and I haven't got the wrong mail from it.  However, you better get a larger pop3 account if you really want to implement this.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy KKS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 3:41 PM
To: Qmail
Subject: Logs using & getmail/fetchmail

Hi !
I know this is another "newbie" question,  but I still need help. I have now succesfully setup qmail, pop3 and smtp (both from qmail). Qmail has it's own logs, but I would also like that other two would be making logs. In FAQ of qmail is sample how to do this with snmp, but if I start it with that command line (see down), FreeBSD produces error, saying "Ambiguous output redirect." Please help me here. And I also need working commandline for POP3 server. Are there any scripts available that could browse wrror log and then produce just the error messages from it (to remove some of unecessary lines).
Ok problem number two is getmail (fetchmail alterantive for Maildir). Does anybody use this, is it reliable, are there any problems with it.
Thanks for you answer and for your patience with my silly questions.
Comandline starting smtp:
tcpserver -v -u 82 -g 81 0 snmp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &

* Andy KKS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1.  (*) text/plain ( ) message/external-body
                      ^? Could you turn this crap off, please?

> Qmail has it's own logs, but I would also like that other two
> would be making logs. 

Simply grab http://pobox.com/~tu/qmail-conf.html and *read* the docs. It'll
leave you with running services including the logging you want.

> Are there any scripts available that could browse wrror log and then
> produce just the error messages from it (to remove some of unecessary
> lines).

Have you visited http://qmail.org/ yet?
Robin S. Socha <http://socha.net/>


      I followed PaulGregg doc, and have setup single UID mail system.

      The only problem is , the checkpoppasswd log showing
      "checkpoppasswd: POP3 connect from unknown@ []"
      "checkpoppasswd: pop3checkpasswd: FAILED: qazaka - no such user from

      Supposely, the log should show the IP, not "unknown".
      How can i solve it?
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Is it possible to simulate pop3 conections to a mail server and
authenticate the user and tell that user that he has no mail ??

The reasoning behind this is I want a temp backup server that can take
the pop3 strain while I make some modifications to the main mail server

ANY Ideas ??

Thanks all,


On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 06:29:46PM +0100, Aleksander Rozman - Andy wrote:
> Pine always tells me 'SMTP greeting failure: 421 SMTP connection went away'. 

You could try to convince pine not to talk smtp to your server, but just
use the /usr/sbin/sendmail interface to qmail-inject. 

Hope this helps,



                                  . .
Joost van Baal                   .   .
                                 .   .                      http://mdcc.cx/
                                  . .

 I'm using strictely "Live With Qmail" instructions. When I
stop and run qmail script (in /etc/rc.d/inet.d/), I got the
following error: 
"supervise:fatal:unable to start qmail-smptd/run: exec
format error". 
Can you help me to fixe this error?
PS: I use Linux RedHat6.2, desactivating all inetd.conf
line in order to use smtpd, pop3 over tcpserver. In qmail
script I adding only entry for smtp and pop3as mentionned
in LWQ.

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