Hi !
I know this is another "newbie" question,  but I still need help. I have now succesfully setup qmail, pop3 and smtp (both from qmail). Qmail has it's own logs, but I would also like that other two would be making logs. In FAQ of qmail is sample how to do this with snmp, but if I start it with that command line (see down), FreeBSD produces error, saying "Ambiguous output redirect." Please help me here. And I also need working commandline for POP3 server. Are there any scripts available that could browse wrror log and then produce just the error messages from it (to remove some of unecessary lines).
Ok problem number two is getmail (fetchmail alterantive for Maildir). Does anybody use this, is it reliable, are there any problems with it.
Thanks for you answer and for your patience with my silly questions.
Comandline starting smtp:
tcpserver -v -u 82 -g 81 0 snmp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &

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