
Aha! Sorry - I'm not firing on all cylinders at present. Your
arrows (carets) have put me back on course. I'm not used to
all the features of daemontools yet, esp. svscan. The run file,
yes, <dnscache_dir>/run - doh, removes nail from head etc...

The run file (as setup by dnscache-conf):
  exec 2>&1
  exec <seed
  exec envdir ./env sh -c '
    exec envuidgid dnscache softlimit -o250 -d "$DATALIMIT" /usr/local/bin/dnscache
I tried replacing "$DATALIMIT" with 15000000, but still no joy (static-linked
version)  (same error)

>you have a userid for dnscache and for djbusers?  did you introduce
>the neccessary userids *before* compiling djbdns, like it should be?

>whats the contents of the files in env/ ?
CACHESIZE: 1000000
DATALIMIT: 3000000
ROOT: /dnscache/root

>the contents of the run files?
(as above)... and log/run is
   exec setuidgid dnslog multilog t ./main

>why on earth do you leave out the permissions and location of
>djbdns' install directory?
(just a case of nail in head / bolt through neck, mixed with djbdns-newbieism)
# ls -ld /dnscache
drwxr-sr-t   6 root     root         1024 Nov 29 21:35 /dnscache

I guess the other possibly pertinent piece of info is the invocation:
I used Dan's recommended /etc/inittab addition - this line at the end
of the file (all on one line),
 SV:123456:respawn:env - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
    svscan /service </dev/null >/dev/console 2>/dev/console
and I 'enable' the service as recommended,
  ln -s /dnscache /service/dnscache

You may well have identified the problem with the system-wide resource
limits - I'll do some research on this when I get time.

But now I must rush - plane to catch, so I probably can't come back to
this problem for a few weeks...

Thank you very much for your help so far - I'm feeling much happier with
how things fit together now (I do RTFM, but I normally need some
"battle-experience" before it sinks in properly). Hopefully this thread helps
some others on the list too.



From:   clemensF[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   30 November 2000 18:40
Subject:        Re: Problems with dnscache in Linux

> Andrew Richards:

> There is no /etc/login.conf on the box; "-d switch in the run-file";
> not sure what you mean here. For RSS I used ps (I've split these
> lines to fit) (Note this is the static linked version),
>   root     15502  0.0  0.1  1260   388  ?  R   12:02   0:00 
> envuidgid dnscache softlimit -o250 -d 3000000 /usr/local/bin/dnscache
                                                          the -d flag

there must be a file defining default resource limits, i don't know
it's linux name.  find it and check if the limits defined there
collide with the run-files and env/* files.
you have a userid for dnscache and for djbusers?  did you introduce
the neccessary userids *before* compiling djbdns, like it should be?
whats the contents of the files in env/ ?  the contents of the run
files?  why on earth do you leave out the permissions and location of
djbdns' install directory?


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