On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 03:21:40PM -0800, Barley wrote:
> > Isn't it interesting that Stumf, Leitner and Socha all come from Germany?
> > Just a coincidence, I suppose.
> And that they all talk sweepingly of "genetic superiority"? I thought I was
> the only one who noticed...

Isn't it funny, how *some* people that live in a country and a culture
  - that killed thousands of black people
  - that killed thousands of red indians
  - that killed thousands of people with the atomic bomb
  - that killed thousands of people in Vietnam
  - that still has racial discrimination in their own country
  - that has a Ku Klux Clan
  - that practises capital punishment
  - who's number of nazi supporters outnumbers those in the rest of the
  - who has the highest crime rate in "western civilation"
  - where it is forbidden to show naked breasts (you know the things you got
    your first meal from in your life) on TV, but it is prefectly ok
    to broadcast a detailed sequence of a man chopping off the head of
    another man with a chainsaw during children's hour
still feel so superior to the rest of the world?

And isn't it funny that the same people at the end always come down to
calling every German a nazi, really a sign of high grade intelligence and
that really "indicates a broader understanding of things".

Oh, and isn't it interesting that Barley, asantos and Collins all use
Microsoft MUAs? And did you notice that their names don't contain the
vowel "u"? Just a coincidence, I suppose ...

A few people on this list have asked to stop that thread. But I think
it was too well hidden for you to understand. So I posted some capital
letters. Maybe you still didn't understand, maybe you're one of those who
always have to have the last word/post.

Hey, hurry up, send a reply and you've won!


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