Thus spake Malcolm Silberman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have been watching the many hundreds of lines of silliness over the
> last day or so. Folks these arguments make no sense. To me its a case of
> the more newbie's the better.

> Because, that means more people spread the word, more corporations, more
> installs, more cock-up's, more success stories, more work for the
> experts, more input from the field, release 1.04. That's the foundation
> of the open source movement.

I beg to differ.
The more newbies get on my nerves as a software author, the more I get
discouraged to release new versions because they will attract even more
idiots that will pester me to demand help following the idiot-proof

Many a software author got burn-out this way.

I am currently mostly developing software that is expressly not targeted
at Redhat lusers, because I have no intention to get even more dumb

> That's the way open source is supposed to work.

Open Source is for suits like you.
Free Software, in contrast, is supposed to work like this:

  I write good software.
  Others help me.
  The software gets better.

Currently, it's more like this:

  I write good software.
  Millions of brain-dead lusers ask dumb questions.
  I get discouraged and stop supporting my product.
  Some newbie takes over the project and the quality goes down the drain.

> Make it open, spread the word, provide a community of support,
> encourage others. Soon it can't be stopped - Linux style.

I don't care for software that can't be stopped.
We had that before with MS-DOS and Windows.

I care for high quality software.

> Forget the grammar, forget the spelling, forget the soup nazi's -
> realize where the bread is buttered. Kill the newbie's and you kill the
> product. If they ask a stupid question, ignore it - quite easy really.
> Bandwidth arguments are a poor excuse.

Malcolm, please go back to your business school.
Your disguise as open source apostle failed miserably when you took the
word "product" in your mouth.

I write software, not products.


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