On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 11:07:51AM +0800, Wong, Wing-Kin wrote:
> Are there any relationship between the both qmail log files of qmail-smtpd
> and qmail-send?

No, there is no direct relationsship.

> If yes, how can i log the TCPREMOTEIP in the qmail-send log files?

There is no support for this.
What we do (for accounting) is compile qmail with an extra delivery.
>From FAQ

8.2. How do I keep a copy of all incoming and outgoing mail messages?
Answer: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h.
Recompile qmail.

We have a ~alias/.qmail-log that contains the line

| awk '/^$/ { exit } /^[mM][eE][sS][sS][aA][gG][eE]-/ { print } 
|/^[rR][eE][cC][eE][iI][vV][eE][dD]:/ { r=r+1; if (r==2) print; }'

Now the logfile shows lines like that

new msg 376799
info msg 376799: bytes 765 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 20509 uid 101
starting delivery 570966: msg 376799 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
starting delivery 570975: msg 376799 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
delivery 570966: success: 
Received:_from_ns.space.net_(HELO_kronecker.space.net)_(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/did_0+0+1/
delivery 570975: success:
end msg 376799

you can read that like that
    msg 376799   -> delivery 570966     this is the extra
                 -> delivery 570975     this is the "normal"

The extra goes to the script and outputs
and the Message-Id. You can now parse this line and extract the IP
address. This IP address belongs to the host that injected msg 376799
    delivery 570966 -> msg 376799
and now you know a lot about the message 376799 
   size         765 bytes
   from         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   to           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Message-Id:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You didn't write what you need the information for. Probably this can
be easier accomplished by patching qmail-smtpd.c
We've modified ours to output lines like

spamcheck: pid 24861: addrallowed: ns.space.net: 

Sorry, I can't provide a patch, as the modification is part of a heavily
hacked qmail-1.01 smtp server.


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