On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 10:00:32PM +0100, Henning Brauer wrote:
> `ps aux | grep qmail`, if you see qmail-smtpd it is running, otherwise not. 
> (note: if you run qmail.smtp from inetd use Jamin's method). 
> Using inetd at all, but especially for qmail, is no good idea IMHO, your 
> mileage may vary.

I've just finished reading 'faq' and 'install' files that are included 
to qmail tarball. And there is one strange (or even two) thing about
qmail-smtpd that I can't understand. Namely I did everything just as it 
stands in 'install' file (espacially about setting up qmail-smtpd -
step 16th) and it looks that it doesn't work because I got a message:
'Sorry,_I wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection.' when was trying
to send a test message from my host to my host. (it was before I've added
qbaroot.dyndns.org to my /qmail/control/locals but it shouldn't be a problem)
The second thing is this message from Dave Sill about 'telnet 0 25'.
As you know I did it too (see my reply to his msg) and it looks to me 
that I have smtpd running (port 25 is being used by smtp).
So what is going on here? Is qmail-smtpd running on my linux or not?
And one more thing - Henning Brauer wrote that using inetd is not to good idea.
Can anyone tell me why?
Thanks for all tips,


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