>     is it possible to monitor qmails parameters like current queue length
> /no of messages in queue etc things with HPopenview,
>  i dont think qmail is snmp enabled , but if some one knows some patches
> etc , which enables snmp fuctionality in qmail        then please tell me ?

qmail does not have snmp functionality. You will need to make the snmp
agent on each qmail server check queue length just as it checks free
disk, free swap and whatever other things it checks.

>    which anti virtus works best with qmail , ( we are planning to setup
> seperate incoming and out going mail servers, we will also run anti-virus
> software on two saperate boxes i.e one ofr incoming mails and one for out
> going mails )  please tell me which anti-virus works best with qmail ,

This question is at this very moment being discussed in another
thread. I'd suggest you search the mailinglist archives for antivirus;
you will get a lot of hits.

"I live in the heart of the machine. We are one." 

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