On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 04:39:11PM -0500, Jamin A. Brown wrote:
> Hello,
> We have just completed migrating a sendmail installation for roughly 15000
> users to qmail. After doing so, we are experiencing longish delays on the
> delivery of incoming messages.

What sort of passwd technology are you using? /etc/passwd? NIS, NIS+?

> The delay seems to occur from when mx0 accepts the message to when mx0
> writes it to the user's Maildir. My guess would be that the queue is not
> being processed fast enough.

If you showed us some log entries from start of delivery to completion
we'd be able to tell you whether they seem slow or not.

> We are seeing delays of up to a couple hours on messages, so any
> assistance or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.

Show us the specific log entries for some of these deliveries. We can only
speculate in the absence of information.


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