martin langhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm sending mail from a perl script and I have one var (or config
> setting) for the 'To:' field. This script uses Net::SMTP to deliver its
> load directly into a sendmail box.

I assume that Net::SMTP is breaking this up into multiple separate MAIL TO
commands at the protocol level?

> Now if I insert 2 addresses, like '[EMAIL PROTECTED],
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]', and there's a qmail at everything's
> allright. Now some hosts don't like this: I'm having problems because

Addresses should be separated by commas; your second example doesn't have
a comma.

> Reading RFC822 (at
> I can see the appendix A, in the item A.1.5., it looks like it should be
> valid. In fact at A.3.3. there's an example that looks very much like
> mine...

> I'll find a workaround in the meantime, but, am I wrong to think its
> allright to have a comma-delimited To: field?

Comma-delimited To: headers are fine.  You can't send a comma-delimited
address in the MAIL TO command, but Net::SMTP may do the right thing

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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