On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 03:53:00PM -0800, Matt Harrington wrote:
> You have to edit maildir.c in imap/src/osdep/unix (i think; recalling from 
> memory).  There are 3 options as "#define" in the C source.  one of them 
> needs to be switched to "#undef" to enable reading from a directory which 
> contains "Maildir" in the path.  I don't know why this option is there.

I have all of them undef. The first two suck when #define'd and I
couldn't care less about the third :)

This works in combination with 'inbox-path=$MAIL' in the global
pine.conf for supporting maildir in /var/spool/mail, as long as $MAIL is
set correctly.

Greetz, Peter
dataloss networks
'/ignore-ance is bliss' - me
'Het leven is een stuiterbal, maar de mijne plakt aan t plafond!' - me

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