Hi There Gurus, 

 I find a solution for my case!
 My Problem:
   I'm using Qmail+MySQL (using the patch SoftAgency.co.jp) on a K6-II
450Mhz 128Mb RAM with IDE disks (I know scsi is much better, but is much
expensive) and have up to 6000 users, and had installed AMaViS 0.2.1 (the
shell version). With AMaViS running the "load average" of my server
increases rapidly from the normal 0.2 - 0.5 to 30 - 35, and the software
watchdog process I run restart the server at every 5min or so.

 My Solution:
   My first guest was the problem are with my users uid/gid, my users are
on the MySQL db and the "id" command didn't find them. I then hacked the
AMaViS scripts to use the "numerical id" instead of the user name on the
log/tmp files and directories, but this didn't solve the load problem.

   Then I try changing the "concurrencylocal" and "concurrencyremote"
values to make a test. And yes my problem was with the number of forks and
external utilities called by the AMaViS shell-script!

   The _Solution_ I changed from AMaViS 0.2.1 to AMaViS-Perl-10, the
AMaViS-Perl didn't depend on external utilities (only the virus scanners),
then it is much faster! Now my server had a "load average" of about 0.7 -
1.2, and are working nicely again! 


| Antonio S. Martins Jr. - System Analist |  "Only The Shadow Knows   |
| WorldNet Internet Maringa - PR - Brasil |   what evil lurks in the  |
| E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |       Heart of Men!"      |
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