Title: RE: anybody out there at this time ??? confused about checkpassword and pop3

Trying logging in with username '[EMAIL PROTECTED] 'instead of just 'test'.  The same will fix

the problem for user 'x' (i.e. change it to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]').

Otherwise it will be looking for 'global' system accounts, not specific to a domain.

The other way to set this up, is to have the IP address that you are logging in to (on port 25) reverse lookup to the domain 'test.com'.  See the Q-Mail documentation for more information on that.


Charles Warwick


>I hope there is somebody out there so late on Saturday evening. I just want

>to warn you that this is my first Qmail installation and I am quite new to

>the Linux world. I was able to install checkpassword -0.81 and when I am

>testing it, I get these results.

>[root@test users]# telnet localhost 110


>Connected to localhost.localdomain.

>Escape character is '^]'.


>user test


>pass test

>-ERR authorization failed

>Connection closed by foreign host.

>[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd


>user test


>pass test

>-ERR authorization failed

>***************************** user test is a pop user in the assign file

>and has an encrypted password test in the poppasswd file, has a dir in

>popboxes/test-com/test/Maildir/ where he is successfully receiving his mail.


>[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd


>user x


>pass password


>***************************** on the other hand user x is a systems account

>and also has an entry in the assign file and poppasswd file. user x is also

>receiving mail in the popboxes/test-com/x/Maildir, but the pop logon brings

>him to home/x directory where I also created (Maildir -just to troubleshoot

>- I know it does not suppose to be there) but the pop login gets me there,

>while the other users fails to make a pop login due to the password problem.

>So both users have a little bit different problems, but the bottom line is

>that I can not retrieve the e-mails.

>I hope somebody can tell me what variable or ???? I messed up. I believe I

>am pretty close.

>Thank you for your assistance


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