qmail Digest 17 Dec 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1216

Topics (messages 54131 through 54151):

SUMMARY: Amavis + MySQL on Qmail :)
        54131 by: Antonio S. Martins Jr.
        54133 by: Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios

Released Qmail MRTG v2.1
        54132 by: Sean Truman

Re: Qmail support in Australia ?
        54134 by: Marc Knoop

.qmail files with vpopmail/sqwebmail
        54135 by: qmail.col7.metta.lk
        54136 by: Peter Green

Re: More on relay problem, something to do with tcpserver
        54137 by: Charles Cazabon

Re: Virtual Domain Users
        54138 by: Jerry A!
        54139 by: Charles Cazabon
        54140 by: Jerry A!

invisible IP address
        54141 by: gmo.gmx.de
        54148 by: David Dyer-Bennet

.qmail-name.blah problem
        54142 by: Daniel Nilsson
        54145 by: Peter Green

Re: seeking rblsmtpd -r option clarification
        54143 by: Aaron Goldblatt
        54144 by: Chris Hardie
        54147 by: Timothy Legant

Re: getmail version 2.0
        54146 by: Charles Cazabon

anybody out there at this time ??? confused about checkpassword and pop3
        54149 by: Peter Drahos
        54150 by: Charles Warwick
        54151 by: Peter Drahos


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Hi There Gurus, 

 I find a solution for my case!
 My Problem:
   I'm using Qmail+MySQL (using the patch SoftAgency.co.jp) on a K6-II
450Mhz 128Mb RAM with IDE disks (I know scsi is much better, but is much
expensive) and have up to 6000 users, and had installed AMaViS 0.2.1 (the
shell version). With AMaViS running the "load average" of my server
increases rapidly from the normal 0.2 - 0.5 to 30 - 35, and the software
watchdog process I run restart the server at every 5min or so.

 My Solution:
   My first guest was the problem are with my users uid/gid, my users are
on the MySQL db and the "id" command didn't find them. I then hacked the
AMaViS scripts to use the "numerical id" instead of the user name on the
log/tmp files and directories, but this didn't solve the load problem.

   Then I try changing the "concurrencylocal" and "concurrencyremote"
values to make a test. And yes my problem was with the number of forks and
external utilities called by the AMaViS shell-script!

   The _Solution_ I changed from AMaViS 0.2.1 to AMaViS-Perl-10, the
AMaViS-Perl didn't depend on external utilities (only the virus scanners),
then it is much faster! Now my server had a "load average" of about 0.7 -
1.2, and are working nicely again! 


| Antonio S. Martins Jr. - System Analist |  "Only The Shadow Knows   |
| WorldNet Internet Maringa - PR - Brasil |   what evil lurks in the  |
| E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |       Heart of Men!"      |
|         [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | !!! Linux User: 52392 !!! |
               This e-mail message is 100% Microsoft free!

                         \ /  CAMPANHA DA FITA ASCII - CONTRA MAIL HTML
                          X   ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN - AGAINST HTML MAIL
                         / \

"Antonio S. Martins Jr." wrote:
> Hi There Gurus,
>  I find a solution for my case!
>  My Problem:
>    I'm using Qmail+MySQL (using the patch SoftAgency.co.jp) on a K6-II
> 450Mhz 128Mb RAM with IDE disks (I know scsi is much better, but is much
> expensive) and have up to 6000 users, and had installed AMaViS 0.2.1 (the
> shell version). With AMaViS running the "load average" of my server
> increases rapidly from the normal 0.2 - 0.5 to 30 - 35, and the software
> watchdog process I run restart the server at every 5min or so.

Are you telling me you are using a k6-II 450Mhz and 128 MB of RAM to
handle 6K users ?

A friend o' mine was using a P100 with 32 MHZ to handle about 4K users,
running qmail and FreeBSD (Of course), the box runs rock solid for more
than 800 days.....

Hey All,

    Qmail MRTG v2.1 has been released. and can be downloaded from

Sean Truman

Dennis writes:

> Our IT manager is a non-techi and as such is always looking for the, MS
> solution... I'm the only *nix guy in the department and have successfully
> convinced him to move DNS/WEB/Cache/DHCP over to *nix, phew !!! (email is
> next)
> The IT manager likes throwing "What happens if you get hit by a bus" at
> me... well, I get hit by a bus and not a single soul in our IT department
> can do any Qmail admin.


It sounds like we're in very similar situations.  I began working at a new
company approximately 4 months ago and I too am moving most of the core
services off Windows.

I was presented with the same question regarding the bus, and even
variations with street-cars, airplanes and trucks.  ;)  Cross-training,
documentation and the URL to the archives are all a great start.

We are about to rollout djbdns services from W2K machines and I had my two
techs write the whole dns data file out for a couple hundred domains -- I
don't think I'll need to explain to them how the entries work again. :)

Yesterday I created another qmail server that will act as our relay and
serve a hundred or so users -- I expect to go through some similar
knowledge transfers.  In the end, I think the benefits far outweigh the
risks, and as Sean mentioned, M$ solutions have their learning curves as

Worst case scenario would involve remote support via a SSH terminal from
one of the many friendly qmail experts out there.

../mk - qmail grasshopper

[BTW - the BSD box I created yesterday has djbdnscache, ssh2 and qmail w.
courier-imap, vpopmail running on a dual PIII-500 with 256MB -- the machine
has 232MB free with all services running (though no traffic yet) - what a
beautiful thing!]

Hi all

I have installed 
qmail / vpopmail / vqsignup / sqwebmail

I have and account in the dir 


I want to keep a copy in the Maildir of "name-of-account" 
and want to forward a copy of the mail to another account

In qmail I would generate a file 

# copy of mail in Maildir
# copy of mail to Mr abc

but this does not seem to work that way with vpopmail

Help is much appriciated

best regards
Sri Lanka.

> Hi all
> I have installed 
> qmail / vpopmail / vqsignup / sqwebmail
> I have and account in the dir 
> /home/vpopmail/domains/metta.lk/"name-of-account"

This is probably more suited for the vpopmail mailing list. Send an e-mail
to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to subscribe.

> I want to keep a copy in the Maildir of "name-of-account" 
> and want to forward a copy of the mail to another account
> In qmail I would generate a file 
> /home/vpopmail/domains/metta.lk/name-of-account/.qmail

Try putting the directions in
/home/vpopmail/domains/metta.lk/.qmail-name-of-account instead, since...

> -------------------------
> # copy of mail in Maildir
> ./Maildir/
> # copy of mail to Mr abc

...vpopmail .qmail files in a user's directory only support local delivery.
The ``&'' line will probably not work here...

> but this does not seem to work that way with vpopmail

This could, of course, be more descriptive. How does it fail? What Do The
Logs Say?

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We can use symlinks of course... syslogd would be a symlink to syslogp and 
ftpd and ircd would be linked to ftpp and ircp... and of course the 
point-to-point protocal paenguin.
(Kevin M. Bealer, commenting on the penguin Linux logo.)

Boz Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, by checking the logs I've determined that from certain clients (namely a
> command-line DOS smtp mailer we use) the smtp connection ends before getting
> any data, with the following message in /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd/current:
> tcpserver: end xxx status 256
> Simple question: where can I find out what the end statuses provided by
> tcpserver mean?

The status is that provided by the program tcpserver runs -- in this case,

Did you check what error message your DOS mailer was returning?  It should
point you to http://cr.yp.to/docs/smtplf.html, which explains the problem.

Also, please fix your mailer; your message gets a little difficult to read with
200+ character lines.  On mailing lists, try to limit your line length to
72-78 characters.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 03:01:26PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
: Yes, although root is a bad example.  qmail doesn't deliver to root, ever,
: as a security measure.
: Just put a forwarding directive in your ~alias/.qmail-* entries:
: &user@localdomain
: You'll typically have a line like this for each of
: ~alias/.qmail-{root,postmaster,...}

But how do I get this one alias to be used for *all* my virtual domains?
Right now postmaster@virt1, hostmaster@virt2, etc. goes to the default
user for each domain.  I want "administrative" mail to be caught by the
default .qmail-alias files.

I'm guessing that this is possible, but obviously I'm missing something.
Any pointers would be appreciated.


name:  Jerry Alexandratos         ||  Open-Source software isn't a
phone: 703.599.6023               ||  matter of life or death...
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           ||  ...It's much more important
                                  ||  than that!

Jerry A! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 03:01:26PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> : 
> : Just put a forwarding directive in your ~alias/.qmail-* entries:
> : 
> : &user@localdomain
> : 
> : You'll typically have a line like this for each of
> : ~alias/.qmail-{root,postmaster,...}
> But how do I get this one alias to be used for *all* my virtual domains?
> Right now postmaster@virt1, hostmaster@virt2, etc. goes to the default
> user for each domain.  I want "administrative" mail to be caught by the
> default .qmail-alias files.

Create one file containing the appropriate forward directive, and
symlink or hardlink it to .qmail-virt1-postmaster, .qmail-virt2-postmaster,

If you don't like the brute force approach, you could have separate 
entries in virtualdomains for the role accounts you want:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:postmaster
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:postmaster

The two postmaster accounts could then be handled by
~postmaster/.qmail-postmaster or ~alias/.qmail-postmaster-default, which
the rest of those virtualdomains are handled normally.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 01:56:14PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
: Create one file containing the appropriate forward directive, and
: symlink or hardlink it to .qmail-virt1-postmaster, .qmail-virt2-postmaster,
: etc.
: If you don't like the brute force approach, you could have separate 
: entries in virtualdomains for the role accounts you want:
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:postmaster
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:postmaster
: virtdomain1.com:virtuser1
: virtdomain2.com:virtuser2

Maybe I've just been spoiled by using other MTAs.  I was hoping to
avoid this type of duplication.

I guess what I really hoping for was a method of expanding wildcards in
the assign file (eg *-root:...).

Anyway, thanks for the pointers...


name:  Jerry Alexandratos         ||  Open-Source software isn't a
phone: 703.599.6023               ||  matter of life or death...
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           ||  ...It's much more important
                                  ||  than that!


how can i define my IP-address and hostname to invisible when i send my
email via smtp to the world ?

I've seen the variable TCPLOCALIP and TCPLOCALHOST. I want only, that
other email systems the MX record of the DNS server see and use.

Thanks for the help

best regards


Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 16 December 2000 at 23:36:34 +0100
 > Hello,
 > how can i define my IP-address and hostname to invisible when i send my
 > email via smtp to the world ?

You can't; the line giving your IP is put in by the next server in the
chain, and you can't control it.
David Dyer-Bennet      /      Welcome to the future!      /      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SF: http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/          Minicon: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon/
Photos: http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/

I am running Qmail and Vpopmail
In my /home/vpopmail/domains/linux.octagon.se/ dir i have .qmail-"name" 
files, to make forwards. And this works fine as long as "name" doesnt 
contain a dot, but when i tried to make a .qmail file with a second dot in 
the filename (for example .qmail-mathias.gauntiz) qmail doesnt find it and 
sends the mail coming to that forward-adress to the adress in the 
.qmail-default file. i´ve tried with a - instead of a dot, i tried naming 
the file .qmail-mathias"."gauntiz and i´ve tried %2E instead of the dot. 
Nothing helps.
Anyone got a suggestion?
Thanks in advance!

//Daniel Nilsson

* Daniel Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001216 18:18]:
> I am running Qmail and Vpopmail
> In my /home/vpopmail/domains/linux.octagon.se/ dir i have .qmail-"name" 
> files, to make forwards. And this works fine as long as "name" doesnt 
> contain a dot, but when i tried to make a .qmail file with a second dot in 
> the filename (for example .qmail-mathias.gauntiz) qmail doesnt find it and 
> sends the mail coming to that forward-adress to the adress in the 
> .qmail-default file. i´ve tried with a - instead of a dot, i tried naming 
> the file .qmail-mathias"."gauntiz and i´ve tried %2E instead of the dot. 
> Nothing helps.
> Anyone got a suggestion?

man dot-qmail (hint: second occurrence of WARNING)

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Linus?  Whose that?"
(clueless newbie on #Linux)

>The issue at hand is whether or not you can specify multiple blackhole
>lists with one call, or if you have to chain calls to rblsmtpd.

With the help of the folks here, I've managed to implement multiple RBLs -- 
RBL, RSS, and DUL.  I use tcpserver and rblsmtpd with qmail under Linux 
2.2.18 (Slackware 7.1).

The solution is multiple -r commands:

rblsmtpd -r blah1.rbl.org -r blah2.rbl.org -r blah3.rbl.org

This setup blocks the test messages at crynwr successfully.  My full 
command line is:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x /etc/tcprules/tcp.smtp.cdb \
    -u 1004 -g 2108 0 smtp /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -r 
blackholes.mail-abuse.org \
    -r dialups.mail-abuse.org \
    -r 'relays.mail-abuse.org:Open relay problem - see 
<URL:http://www.mail-abuse.org/cgi-bin/nph-rss?%IP%>' \
    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &

I've also installed the Alan Curry patch at 
http://itcentrx.com/mirrors/qmail/ucspi-rss.diff to resolve the issue of 
RSS not having TXT records anymore.

Works perfectly.


Greetings.  I'm seeking clarification on use of the "-r" option of
rblsmtpd, described here:


The issue at hand is whether or not you can specify multiple blackhole
lists with one call, or if you have to chain calls to rblsmtpd.

I've had some reports that you can use multiple -r's, e.g.

  rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org -rrbl.maps.vix.com

However, user Mike Silbersack had a different experience and did some
further research into the issue and sent me this:

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Mike Silbersack wrote:

> I'm sure that multiple -rs don't work now.  See main():
> void main(argc,argv)
> int argc;
> char **argv;
> {
>   int opt;
>   while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"t:r:Rb")) != opteof)
>     switch(opt) {
>       case 't': scan_uint(optarg,&timeout); break;
>       case 'R': flagrblsafe = 1; break;
>       case 'b': flagbounce = 1; break;
>       case 'r': rbldomain = optarg; break;
>       default: usage();
>     }
>   argv += optind;
>   if (!*argv) usage();
>   res_init();
>   check();
>   execvp(*argv,argv);
>   strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"unable to run ",*argv,": ");
> }
> As you can see, the last -r is the one that'll stick.  This is true for
> both the patched and unpatched rblsmtpd.  So, it looks like chaining
> rblsmtpds is the only way to use multiple blackhole lists for now.
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

I think this would indicate that repeating use of -r wouldn't work as

Can anyone clarify what's really supposed to happen, what really
does happen, and what it all means in a larger existential context?


-- Chris Hardie -----------------------------
----- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------
-------- http://www.summersault.com/chris/ --

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 06:26:45PM -0500, Chris Hardie wrote:
> Greetings.  I'm seeking clarification on use of the "-r" option of
> rblsmtpd, described here:
>   http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/rblsmtpd.html
> The issue at hand is whether or not you can specify multiple blackhole
> lists with one call, or if you have to chain calls to rblsmtpd.

You can, at least with the latest rblsmtpd. You don't mention which
version of ucspi-tcp you're using... The latest is 0.88. The page you
reference above is for the rblsmtpd in the 0.88 distribution.

> I've had some reports that you can use multiple -r's, e.g.
>   rblsmtpd -rrelays.orbs.org -rrbl.maps.vix.com

This is, in fact, the correct syntax.

> However, user Mike Silbersack had a different experience and did some
> further research into the issue and sent me this:

[snip partial main() listing...]

> I think this would indicate that repeating use of -r wouldn't work as
> expected.

The code you showed only allows one -r switch. However, that is not the
code from ucspi-tcp 0.88. The following is the relevant piece of main()
from 0.88:

main(int argc,char **argv,char **envp)
  int flagwantdefaultrbl = 1;
  char *x;
  int opt;


  x = env_get("RBLSMTPD");
  if (x) {
    if (!*x)
      decision = 1;
    else if (*x == '-') {
      if (!stralloc_copys(&text,x + 1)) nomem();
      decision = 3;
    else {
      if (!stralloc_copys(&text,x)) nomem();
      decision = 2;

  while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"bBcCt:r:a:")) != opteof)
    switch(opt) {
      case 'b': flagrblbounce = 1; break;
      case 'B': flagrblbounce = 0; break;
      case 'c': flagfailclosed = 1; break;
      case 'C': flagfailclosed = 0; break;
      case 't': scan_ulong(optarg,&timeout); break;
      case 'r': rbl(optarg); flagwantdefaultrbl = 0; break;
      case 'a': antirbl(optarg); break;
      default: usage();

  argv += optind;
  if (!*argv) usage();

  if (flagwantdefaultrbl) rbl("rbl.maps.vix.com");
  if (decision >= 2) rblsmtpd();

> Can anyone clarify what's really supposed to happen, what really
> does happen, and what it all means in a larger existential context?

Hopefully I've addressed the first two questions, anyhow.... :)

> Thanks,
> Chris



getmail version 2.0 has been released, and is available for download at:
getmail is a POP3 mail retriever written in Python and licensed under the
GNU General Public License version 2.

getmail has support for delivery to Maildirs and mbox files, and handles
domain (multidrop) mailboxes.  Version 2 is a complete rewrite featuring a
simpler, more flexible configuration format, additional logging,
regular expression matching on addresses for domain mailboxes, and improved
handling of error conditions.  getmail can keep track of which messages it
has previously retrieved, and only download new mail.

A mailing list has been set up to discuss getmail and offer voluntary support.
Send a blank email to <getmail-subscribe @ discworld.dnsalias.org> to

As this is somewhat tangential to the qmail mailing list, please keep replies
in private mail, or better, on the getmail mailing list.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.


I hope there is somebody out there so late on Saturday evening. I just want 
to warn you that this is my first Qmail installation and I am quite new to 
the Linux world. I was able to install checkpassword -0.81 and when I am 
testing it, I get these results.

[root@test users]# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
user test
pass test
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd
user test
pass test
-ERR authorization failed

***************************** user test is a pop user in the assign file 
and has an encrypted password test in the poppasswd file, has a dir in 
popboxes/test-com/test/Maildir/ where he is successfully receiving his mail.
[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd
user x
pass password

***************************** on the other hand user x is a systems account 
and also has an entry in the assign file and poppasswd file. user x is also 
receiving mail in the popboxes/test-com/x/Maildir, but the pop logon brings 
him to home/x directory where I also created (Maildir -just to troubleshoot 
- I know it does not suppose to be there) but the pop login gets me there, 
while the other users fails to make a pop login due to the password problem.

So both users have a little bit different problems, but the bottom line is 
that I can not retrieve the e-mails.

I hope somebody can tell me what variable or ???? I messed up. I believe I 
am pretty close.

Thank you for your assistance


Title: RE: anybody out there at this time ??? confused about checkpassword and pop3

Trying logging in with username '[EMAIL PROTECTED] 'instead of just 'test'.  The same will fix

the problem for user 'x' (i.e. change it to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]').

Otherwise it will be looking for 'global' system accounts, not specific to a domain.

The other way to set this up, is to have the IP address that you are logging in to (on port 25) reverse lookup to the domain 'test.com'.  See the Q-Mail documentation for more information on that.


Charles Warwick


>I hope there is somebody out there so late on Saturday evening. I just want

>to warn you that this is my first Qmail installation and I am quite new to

>the Linux world. I was able to install checkpassword -0.81 and when I am

>testing it, I get these results.

>[root@test users]# telnet localhost 110


>Connected to localhost.localdomain.

>Escape character is '^]'.


>user test


>pass test

>-ERR authorization failed

>Connection closed by foreign host.

>[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd


>user test


>pass test

>-ERR authorization failed

>***************************** user test is a pop user in the assign file

>and has an encrypted password test in the poppasswd file, has a dir in

>popboxes/test-com/test/Maildir/ where he is successfully receiving his mail.


>[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd


>user x


>pass password


>***************************** on the other hand user x is a systems account

>and also has an entry in the assign file and poppasswd file. user x is also

>receiving mail in the popboxes/test-com/x/Maildir, but the pop logon brings

>him to home/x directory where I also created (Maildir -just to troubleshoot

>- I know it does not suppose to be there) but the pop login gets me there,

>while the other users fails to make a pop login due to the password problem.

>So both users have a little bit different problems, but the bottom line is

>that I can not retrieve the e-mails.

>I hope somebody can tell me what variable or ???? I messed up. I believe I

>am pretty close.

>Thank you for your assistance


Please Note:
The information contained in this email is confidential.  If you are not the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this email in any way.  If you have received this email in error, kindly notify the sender.  The sender does not guarantee the integrity of this email or any attached files.

Thank you Charles,

I did tested adding of the domain name to the user name with the same result

[root@test test]# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
pass test
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

I am also adding two config lines for this user just in case I did something wrong.



I will have to try the  reverse lookup after few hours of sleep. It is getting rather very early for Sunday  on the East Coast US.

At 06:18 PM 12/17/00 +1000, Charles Warwick wrote:

Trying logging in with username '[EMAIL PROTECTED] 'instead of just 'test'.  The same will fix

the problem for user 'x' (i.e. change it to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]').

Otherwise it will be looking for 'global' system accounts, not specific to a domain.

The other way to set this up, is to have the IP address that you are logging in to (on port 25) reverse lookup to the domain 'test.com'.  See the Q-Mail documentation for more information on that.


Charles Warwick


>I hope there is somebody out there so late on Saturday evening. I just want

>to warn you that this is my first Qmail installation and I am quite new to

>the Linux world. I was able to install checkpassword -0.81 and when I am

>testing it, I get these results.

>[root@test users]# telnet localhost 110


>Connected to localhost.localdomain.

>Escape character is '^]'.


>user test


>pass test

>-ERR authorization failed

>Connection closed by foreign host.

>[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd


>user test


>pass test

>-ERR authorization failed

>***************************** user test is a pop user in the assign file

>and has an encrypted password test in the poppasswd file, has a dir in

>popboxes/test-com/test/Maildir/ where he is successfully receiving his mail.


>[root@test users]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword pwd


>user x


>pass password


>***************************** on the other hand user x is a systems account

>and also has an entry in the assign file and poppasswd file. user x is also

>receiving mail in the popboxes/test-com/x/Maildir, but the pop logon brings

>him to home/x directory where I also created (Maildir -just to troubleshoot

>- I know it does not suppose to be there) but the pop login gets me there,

>while the other users fails to make a pop login due to the password problem.

>So both users have a little bit different problems, but the bottom line is

>that I can not retrieve the e-mails.

>I hope somebody can tell me what variable or ???? I messed up. I believe I

>am pretty close.

>Thank you for your assistance


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