On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 08:49:54PM -0500, Jamin A. Brown wrote:
> Sendmail has a switch to turn this on, which is off by default...
> Reason being, anyone can point their domain's MX records to your server
> and then freely send mail to/through it.
> I'm curious to know if qmail starts having performance issues at higher
> numbers of rcpthosts. We're currently running about 1800 domains, most of
> them in the morercpthosts file.

cdb has pretty linear performance regardless of the number of
entries. cdb is used for databases that can typically get *much*
larger, such as name server data and /var/qmail/users. 1800 entries is
nothing for cdb.

Unless the reason for the rcpthost is solely as a secondary MX, then
an entry has to be placed in virtualdomains or locals anyway, so
removing the administrative need to have an entry in recipienthosts
doesn't strike me as a very useful gain.


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